certainly a nice front end but i kinda like the original red trim.. gives it a little accentuation.. but nice nonetheless edit things i recentyl bought: sennheiser headphones samsung tv
not 360, couldn't really resist the deal since it was only $199 w/ $100 gift card at Wal-Mart yesterday..
Lol wut, u got an arcade, so u got a 360 with no harddrive and you have no intention going online with it? even with the voucher your still $99 down
its a 100 bucks for an xbox he could get an hd for like 30 something online a plug it in and then use that gift card to get two games or a game and live so really he's getting an xbox for like 150. whats bad about that lol. the xbox plus 3 years of live would equal to the regular price man.
^ he could but atm he doesn't want to which makes the box pointless, no drive and no live, just a nekid xbox >.<
lol 99 dollars for an Xbox is fucking sweet, everyone is hating on RTH, but i already have an Xbox360 and a PS3... if i saw another Xbox360 for only 99 bucks, i'd cop it immediately, just incase i get RROD'd Also, kontra, you need to get some matte black emblems and a tint... your car could look so stealth with a little more work.
arcade... pshh... you gotta cop that matte black wit the chrome on the disc tray and that 120gb hdd...
459.. i've seen 42s in the 800s, but tbh, 32s just fit my room fine. i wouldn't even get 37s because that would be too big for my tiny room lol