Project Natal: Under £50 and 14 games at launch [X360]

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by master_g, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. (JUMP TO 1:00)


    Wednesday November 11, 02:44 PM Microsoft’s ‘Project Natal’ controller promises to go one better than the Wii Remote in not requiring players to hold any kind of peripheral whatsoever. That’s all thanks to a clever, full-body motion-sensing camera.

    The slick new unit was unveiled at this year’s E3 games tradeshow, where Brit gaming legend Peter Molyneux showed off a demo in which a user was able to interact and converse with a virtual boy called Milo with almost spooky levels of realism. It’s impressive stuff indeed. But how much for such wizardry?
    Answer: a lot less than you might think, as an industry insider has revealed after a behind-the-scenes tour of Microsoft studios. By all accounts Microsoft is aiming for an “impulse buy” price of £50 or less for the standalone unit. Others have even suggested that it might even come in as low as £30, which would certainly rival the PlayStation 3’s less sophisticated Eye Camera.

    But there’s more. Sources indicate that 14 games are being readied for launch – mostly from Microsoft – while most, if not all the big name publishers pledged their support at the recent Tokyo Game Show. Finally, the launch date. Microsoft has previously indicated a release towards the latter half of 2010, but trade sources have since pegged this to next November.

    Whether Natal lives up to its early promise remains to be seen, and Sony may yet spoil the party with its own Motion Controller for PS3 launching next Spring. Meantime two things are certain – the game is most definitely ON and, in the not too distant future, YOU will be the controller. Can’t wait!
  2. pensuked

    pensuked Well-Known Member

    It's times like this that I have to say(yet again) nintendo: you fail. Although it does look promising I'm not going out to buy that until I try it out for free in a friend's house or something.(and wait for prices to plummet - yes I'm cheap)
  3. its essentially another fancy webcam.. but gotta wait n see how the games play out..
  4. it seems to be a little more than a webcam, a webcam is that trash on the ps3 :p this... this seems like something i may buy....

    anyway, the webcame is only half of the equation, the software os also important, from the looks of it, it looks pretty awesome. im just hopeing the games aint lame, im done with the 'chop a ninja' and 'wipe the car window' crap from the eye toy that i used maybe 2 or 3 times
  5. lol sure.. feel free to buy it if you're interested in talking to adolescent lil boys in front of your TV.. -lol

    its webcam with censors.. -__-. But I do like that painting game they.. that would make for a great party game... so I dunno..
  6. i could see in future systems where you get to a locked door in some kinda game and have to virtually punch out the puzzle to pass then when the driving scene comes u make pretend like ur in a car! then japanese people will make a sex simulator :yes:
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    don't tempt g now:ohnoes: lol industry insider but hey microsoft charges 100 for a wireless adapter and over a hundred for 120gb of HD and 50 a year for a service that should be free so yeah.....
  8. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    congratz on buying something useless .... *you are the controller* ... doubt it will be used when your home alone .... and what game would you exactly use this for ? a rip game from the wii ?? and congratz to lionhead for not having natal compatibility in fable 3 ........ where as the ps3 motion sensor and camera will be more liable and easier to use ... if u was shaking you hand really fast on natal u rek it can read it that fast?? what if it had a controller and a camera? well ....?? ...... the shitboxfreefixme is absolute fail any way ...... congratz on fixing ur RROD with a towel and some pennys
  9. hahah wtf.. that was jus random...

    I can see future of gaming.. blah blah blah... japanese sex simulator!! Tracks your every thrust.. -lol
  10. fanboy alert
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ lmao well now u know .... i wills kick ur ass so watch out :D
  12. You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.
  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    lmao what has bruce lee goto do ith it? xD anyways ... ermmm w/e just cause ima spam whore :p