yea cos the newest one is COD MW2 surely. the old version just means nothing haha. haha care to show a picture of u in the dress then if it the model doesn't do the dress justice.
ROFL i automatically thought this was the latest one, its ooooold, thats fail bb Wow thats awesome price, but tekken 6 SUX till they release the online patch, if they dont fix it up i aint buying a tekken ever again unless they do tekken tag 2.. but for that price.. super bargain.
well ain't that some shit.. but yea.. I should back up my stuff too.. my ps3 froze a few times on me during some game sessions... I don't think I wanna get a slim tho if it breaks down.. slim feels a bit cheap to me.. lol
yo i just played that a week ago too...but yeah bb why you bought it thats fail move on to mw2 lol. AC130 and harrier ownage. damn man so it died after you logged on today? ylod? get that bestbuy or walmart bundle on black friday just get it online. that sucks ass.
Apparently, the Slim is supposed to be a tiny bit better than the fat. Smaller processor, faster clock, slight bump in graphics power, and it doesn't overheat. I'm gunna trade in my old one and using the money from that to get a slim with extended warrenty. Yeah, it died a few minutes after logging into PSN. It seems to be the YLOD but it's a red light that flashes a few seconds after turning it on. It goes Green > Green + Blue > Yellow > Flashing Red I have to agree. The matte black finish makes it look cheap. I'll fill you guys in tonight when I trade in my PS3.
Well I just got the new PS3 hooked up and the build quality seems to feel pretty solid. The texture on it feels a bit old school but overall build quality seems up to par with the Fat PS3. Here's some pics Didn't back up my old data from the previous system so all my offline data is gone. *Le Sigh* BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR PS3 REGULARLY, THE DRIVES ARE ENCRYPTED SO ONLY THAT SYSTEM CAN READ OFF THAT DRIVE AND THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE ANYWAY TO PULL DATA FROM THAT DRIVE OUTSIDE OF THE ORIGINAL PS3
yea thats one thing that sucks ass another thing is games like killzone and resident evil doesn't let you copy the game data unless you use the backup utility but i think that is also bond to one system only so you are screwed when your ps3 messes up. its stupid to not be able to copy those game saves.
eeek im scared...*touch wood* my ps3 has only crashed on me twice....=/ when the screen just froze and i had to switch it off from the power.... but then when i switched it back on it was the same game screen so i had to turn it off for a few hours....but after that it was okies wor....