“It’s her. It’s her. It’s still her. The same person, but different breasts each time!” For every woman who has ever regretted waking up in the morning with the same size breasts she had the night before, this Chinese TV commercial wants you to know your troubles are finally over! [video=youtube;rtIcedRcIk0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtIcedRcIk0"[/video] According to this announcer, at least, it’s every woman’s dream to have a bigger cup size. Now, with the amazing She’s Mine bra, you can turn that dream into a reality. Not only does it increase your cup size, but it lets you change it to suit your mood. Need some guidelines? The commercial suggests “a B-cup for work, a C-cup for shopping, and a D-cup for partying.” The bra’s magic lies in its patented “God’s Hand” technology. Simply press the button, and the hidden, hand-shaped panels expand, lifting your breasts to provide cleavage like you’ve never had before. And the longer you press, the bigger they get! But wait—there’s more! A pair of God’s hands is not all this incredible bra has to offer. It’s also made of a space-age fabric impregnated with minerals that generate ultraviolet light. This improves blood circulation, and in turn glandular health. And that, as we all know, is Mother Nature’s way of increasing breast size. But in the end, seeing is believing. And this commercial provides abundant visual proof of the effects of the She’s Mine bra, not only on the wearers’ bustlines but on their mood. Incidentally, the announcer assures us that people are going wild for it in Europe. What more proof could you possibly need? Source --------- Asian problem solved!!! (Until in bed)
^lol its always like that, they got some creative ideas to fill the needs in asia, then surprising the westerners later:kekekegay:
lolz... are there any thing for man...bigger chest... That bar misleading guys...and guys must be very disappointed after the truth.
hasha this is more like a product to those crossdresser guys instead! i mean it's great to have big tits but it's jsut encouraging everyone to be fake. Wouldn't a plump bra or a push up bra do? makes the breasts look big too! but video did make me laugh
Yeah, I've seen these for sale before. But they're like... 'manual' you have to put the pads in yourself, where as the ones in the video are already in the bra so they're 'automatic' with just a push of a button. Interesting... 'Hen shu fu!' Haha funny stuff.
This shit is retarded. Too many gimmicks. Bitches need to eat well over there. There's no helping a 5'6" tall girl with A cups and weighing 95lbs.
that is HILARIOUS! i actually know tons of girls who would actually invest in this too! but that is some LONG advert though... all they need to say is "breasts gets bigger" and the asian girls will flock to it like bees to honey... sighh.... still funny though ^o^