so basically, your folks give you lunch money, thinking you'd buy food, while you save it up and bring shit home, right under their noses. don't they ask 'where'd you get that money from to bring so much shit home?' also, you must be saving it since grade 3 to spend as much as you do. 1 + 1 =/= 2 but hey, do what you want
lol danns jus jealous he's can't be spending as much as RTh.. although most of his shit is discounted..-lol
naa it just doesn't add up.. buying netbooks and laptops every 2 weeks with lunch money doesn't sound very convincing... but w/e makes y'all happy
lol "lunch money". I've never had anything like that, my mom used to just make me a sandwich or toss me a $2.50 TV dinner in the mornings. Even assuming your lunch money averages $6.00 a day and you never eat lunch at all. Thats only ~$90 a month. I'm currently making $1400 a month part time. I make $2800 a month in the summer. I still don't buy as much shit as you. I gotta agree with Dann, something really doesn't add up about your lifestyle. I kinda suspect your parents have zero willpower when you ask for cash and just give you whatever you want.
Maybe there's daily lunch money and a weekly allowance. I remember reading somewhere this guy was complaining about how he used to get over $1000 in weekly allowance and it was cut down to $800 and he was super pissed off. He was all 'How can I get through College and really enjoy it with only $800??' Was that on this forum?
Oh... wait... I did buy few books... And no... I'm not studying Economics... but Mathematics... It's just my minor Economics, Technology & Innovation.