What's your favourite Green Tea brand & flavour? I couldn't really say what my favourite brand is, since I shop in so many different places I just grab what I can. I'd have to say Jasmine green tea and Lemon green tea are my favourites at the moment. The lemon green tea is so refreshing. It's annoying though because we don't get that much of a variety here in the UK :(
I love Jasmine green tea too. But I like just the green tea itself too. I don't get the ones in the bag, I get the whole leaf ones. Just go into a real tea house and get it, last time I got the Jasmine green tea, it was 100 bucks for a pound.
Wow, that's expensive. I'm not even sure there would be a green tea house anywhere near here O__o Sometimes my friend from Sweden sends me some leaves, delicious Always looks really dodgy coming in through the mail though
^ ya can buy green tea leaves in mosy chin supermarkets...not that expensive either ^^ yupZ....i drink any brand....ive tried twinnings and thas okies la.... but the real tea leaves muchy more authentic....^^ wahh...i didnt know ya from uk..!!!...*hi5*....which part..?..down south.?... ask PA londoners takey ya to chin supermarkets....puhehehe
not a super tea lover so i don mind which brand, as for flavours...idk does starbucks green tea latte count? lol
Yup yup I'm in Wales (booo!) I know of a Chinese supermarket here, i've been to it but they didn't have a great selection - I bought some jasmine tea from there, but that made me ill one day for some reason haha... I also bought gingseng tea from there, but I didn't realise it was soluble green tea and it was DISGUSTING, really foul and they added sugar to it... green tea + sugar = WRONG! What's weird to, is if I haven't eaten, or I drink green tea first thing in the morning, I get really sick O__o so odd. burpyierz - i've never heard of that flavour before stupid question, but does it have milk in it? KaY_xD Oh man I didn't even know starbucks did green tea! I must try that one day
i think burpyierz meant green tea flavour bubble tea? green tea frap's not bad..just...pricey :( everythings pricey
i think burpyierz meant green tea with boba. don't forget about the ice cream -drool i absolutely love green tea; right up there on my list.