PA Guess Who...

Discussion in 'Member 411 + Pics' started by brown_bear, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    lol. well, give us a hint so we can make a more reasonable guess. :p
  2. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    One you're not very good at? :laugh2:

    At this point, I think it's virtually impossible to identify who's who without a comprehensive list of participants. Even then it'd still be difficult task, given that the collage contains only 45 photos while PA has, like, 500+ registered members. I also get the feeling that a majority of people are not going to reveal themselves, so I'll just save myself the embarrassment of making horribly incorrect guesses. :tongue2: Not that I'm familiar with very many people, anyway. -_-
  3. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    Yeahh... those people don't deserve to know who I am... so *not telling* ;)
  4. Lol seeing that peeps sent pics anonymously if someone correctly guesses then they will just say "thas not me" :p
  5. but i know which one's DL -inlove
  6. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    if thats the case then why is there TWO brown bears??
    plus i think 25 is Evil Mui
  7. i wouldn't put it past knoc to put up the faceless pic as a decoy while his real face pic is there but nobody takes notice of it assuming it MUST be the faceless pic :shifty:
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    decent come back. how bout you quit bitching now and just play the game like a nice little girl.

    naw, not my style.
  9. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    I think we can safely say that I was an easy :(
  10. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Because some guy decided to copy my list without even bother to read it...-_-"
  11. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    lol therefore he's silly :p

    i like saying therefore lmao..
  12. It is impossible to play this game with so many participants if you dont have a clue who is playing it
    and I think most people who are "guessing" already know how someone look like to be even able to guess.

    I guess you should have make a deadline for everyone who play it to send up a final list of people you guess who is who and then see who got the most right win.
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ uh huh and win whut exactly...? sure have a lot of ideas...
    mebe ya shouldve done this a while ago instead =P
  14. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    My bad. I quoted your list and edited it actually, to be more specific.
  15. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ :facepalm: ....its katie bear and bbear .... sigghhh

    15 - don
    23 - Ruoyi
  16. the person who guesses them all correctly gets to hang out with bb for the day (bb covers all expenses, restaurant, cinemas, taxi etc), if more than one person gets it correct then they have an endurance race, winner gets to hang out with bb. :p
  17. Win a full face photo of BBear hahah :p nah.. just win for fun..
  18. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    or even .... show one photo a week through pm and people will have a list of the participants and they will have a guess of who it is .... then the game would last 45 weeks and then each person will have to compile a list of who u thought who was who and no changing after.. and who ever gets all / most .. wins :D
    but nvm now cause its already started xD :p
  19. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

