TGS 09: Forza Motorsport 3 vs Gran Turismo 5

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by master_g, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]

    First off, if you're looking for dirt, you won't find much here. Both upcoming racers Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360) and Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) are sure to be great racing games. That said, I think there's a clear winner here between the two high-profile racers shown on the floor of Tokyo Game Show this year. As you read on, keep in mind that we're not comparing the games themselves as much as we are the demos shown on the TGS floor.

    Both were in pretty nifty setups. Gran Turismo 5 had real-world racing seats built into metal frames. Inside, players sat in front of a high-end Sony display while controlling the game with the GT steering wheel set. Forza 3 was played on a three-screen setup. They too had racing chairs and a steering wheel controller. Putting all of that aside, though, which was the better game?


    Winner: Forza Motorsport 3
    While both games look great on the track, Forza's demo featured a polish that Gran Turismo 5's lacked. The rocky hillsides and lush greenery easily showed up the bland, almost clinical-looking cityscape of Gran Turismo. Driving slow in Gran Turismo is like inviting disappointment. I guess they were hoping you'd always be moving fast enough to not notice the perfectly flat tree and pole textures. Plants and trees on the side of the road look like paper cutouts, and the tree trunks are laughably bad. As far as the vehicle visuals go, neither game disappoints. Both supply unhealthy doses of car porn. The tighter racing action of Forza 3 made it easier to appreciate the models of the cars I raced against, but both pull off amazing feats as far as visuals go. Forza's framerate was liquid smooth, making it a bit easier on the eyes than GT5.

    Winner: Forza Motorsport 3
    Solely judging from the two on-floor demos, both of which used adjustable racing seats and steering wheel rigs, Forza 3's control won the race. There was something about the balance of control that made it seem especially intuitive. I'd go as far as to say that it felt damned near flawless with the steering wheel rig they had set up at each demo station. Gran Turismo controlled great as well, with the tilt leaning farther away from arcade action and more towards realism. Nothing was notably wrong with Gran Turismo's control. It's just that the seamless feeling that we felt with the controls in Forza wasn't there in GT5.


    Game play:
    Winner: Forza Motorsport 3
    Both games were played on a rather easy track, and both featured racing line guidelines. Other than that, these two games play differently. Forza 3 had me racing against other AI characters that were way too easy to pass, even with the option to set the difficulty. My choice of a medium difficulty looked more like an easy to my eyes. I didn't try the "hard" setting, but I hope it's considerably more difficult than medium was. That said, some of the credit goes, again, to the seemingly flawless control of the game.

    As for Gran Turismo, I watched plenty of others wipe out and give up before I played. It looked like people that had never played the series games before sat down and expected arcade racing. As always, Gran Turismo 5 had that realistic acceleration and turning that greatly contrasts to the loose, forgiving controls of other racers (Forza 3 not included, of course). I enjoy the challenge and learning curve, and prefer the rewarding stick-to-your-ribs racing that it provides. Even with that, though, Forza's gameplay was more enjoyable and approachable. It may be a bit more simple than that of GT5, but it still provides ample challenge for white knuckle racing.

    If you have to have damage modeling, you want Forza 3. It's just not there in Gran Turismo. While I don't believe that it's a necessity to have damage modeling in a racing game, it is an added bonus. If you play in first-person view like I do, it's fun to see how messed up your vehicle is after a race. Gran Turismo doesn't do that. In fact, side of the road items like cones and tires don't even seem to be affected properly by impact. When I ran into a stack of tires, they seemed to float strangely in front of my car for a second before flying off to the right. I don't need true-to-life physics on these types of collisions, but this looked closer to the movement of a UFO than a stack of rubber tires.

    I'm a big Gran Turismo fan, so it was a bit of a surprise to me that the Forza Motorsport 3 demo did more for me. Things like damage modeling and background art aside, it was the superb control and high level of accessibility that won me over. Forza 3 was just more fun. More impressive. Of course, this is not to say that Gran Turismo 5 isn't a good game. It will be great, I'm sure, but Forza 3 show floor demo has me wanting to race again. I need to get me one of these three-screen setups too.
  2. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Why are you posting this up? THis is from September. Forza3 is already out and GT5 demo is coming later this month.

    I'm looking to pick up a wheel to get with GT5 next year. Looking at the Logitech Driving Force GT(gran turismo) wheel.

    I thought about getting Forza3 w/Xbox 360 Wheel but it doesn't have a gear shift stick. :\
  3. Why.. it was a forza demo and a gt5 demo, both have improved from the demo build being used in the article above but it shows that Gt5 wont necessarily be better than forza (by default as some seem to think), but im not saying it wont be better, i have my thoughts concerning gt5 (and 4 and 3) but ill wait until this demo you mention.

    if your getting that wheel then you may as well skip gt5 and get 'live for speed' for the PC cus no console game matches that in realism.
  4. it just took to long to make GT5....
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    What the neck is live for speed? You mean Need for Speed? That shit isn't even a real simulator. They didn't even make it remotely close to a simulator since it's more of an arcade game with circuit theme. I have that game on PC but no wheel.

    Gran Turismo series has been the best racing simulator forever.

    When I'm picking games out, I don't necessarily look for graphics, but the current gen of games should have a shot of realism because of the capability of the hardware. The controller needs to be right (wheel) and the experience (bumps, turns, brakes, road terrain reaction) should be as close as it can get to the real thing. NFS:S doesn't offer that. I've played some Forza2, maybe try out Forza3 demo or full game at friends' house. GT5 demo coming soon so it should be good.
  6. Man thats an insult to my gaming intelligence, need for speed... no wai, Live for Speed - Online racing simulator, its the most realistic car simulator out there and its online and only for the PC, to play that game you really need a wheel, one of the good things is we all have wheels on that game. Doesn't cost to much too and you get all future updates and additions. its not as shiny as GT5 or forza though.

    Yeah well i grew up on GT, i remember buying the rumble pad when it first came out and I put it down till Gt came out, i got my sim action from that and my arcade action from ridge racer <3 imo the only thing that Gt5 may have problems with is being to shiny and to boring, ive never completed a Gt after the original and GT2, just gets boring but some people like that but ill have to wait and see, hopefully it will have a good sense of speed but some say its not about that, its just about extremely detailed cars on real-world tracks. if its got speed then it will be a game ill get if i eventually get a ps-triple, i guess i need my speed, i dont want shiny slo-mo.

    i wont comment any more on the need for speed lol, that wasnt what i said >.< but YEAH i hate forza 1 and forza 2, i was GT only, hated gotham too and any other car game on xbox except midnight club LA, then i played Forza3 demo... the game is fantastic and the speed is awesome!!. its not perfect, cockpit view SUX and the jump in difficulty between medium and hard is nuts but besides that its a nice game.

    anyway which GT force wheel are you after?, the new version has crap peddles so maybe the older version is better. Fanatec 911 wheels are G25 quality and are compatible with xbox, ps3 and pc which is pretty nice, but it can be pricey.
  7. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    I'm looking at Logitech Driving Force Gran Turismo, it's on the net for like $90 before shipping, the G25/G27 is too rich for my blood.
  8. BeerBro

    BeerBro Well-Known Member

    no real detail has been given about GT5 yet, so this review is not worth reading. its comparing a full retail final product to a Prologue Pre-launch game. Its no where near the final code they're planning on putting out.

  9. This started on the 1st paragraph of the article, did you read the first paragraph?

    The article said it was a demo (BOTH GAMES) and I said it was a demo (BOTH GAMES) ... but you didn't read that rite?
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Winner: Forza Motorsport 3

    I cracked up. haven't seen a decent vid of forza i guess.
  11. ^ GT5 will look better than forza, no doubt about it, what this article was talking about was the flat trees and such sprites.

    it wasn't in reference to the car models but everything else. the Release version may sort it out though.

  12. get the G27.. that shit is lookin' slick...
  13. ive not played forza 3 , but it looks stunning, but im waiting for gt5
    , cant wait
  14. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    forza 3 is sooo 2009 ... its all about 2010 the new gen .... btw gigi have you even played the demo thats on the ps3 right now? oh yeah you havent cause you dont have it on the shitbox3fixme cause its a playstaion exclusive .... gt5 demo right is it pretty gd i say and just to think that theres still 3 months till its released and between now and when its released so mch work would have been put into it ... so OVB GT5 WILL BE 10x BETTER ..... those demos are old laaaa get with the program laaa ... gaawwwdddd

  15. New GT5 Demo? - PA - Entertainment Destination

    nobody replied to the thread though surprise surprise. for all you know Gt5 is gona be all about 2011 rofl and your opinion on racing games are not valid cus you dont even like racing games -roflyawn Gt5 was the contender for forza2 but as for matching forza 3... im not to sure about that.
  16. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ¬¬ w/e gigi just cause your jealous