Okay, so I'm talking about ugly-good-looking. If that makes sense. People who are strange looking, not so good-looking, or people you you perhaps are a little embarrassed by finding them attractive Okay so here I go... Jack Black Simon Pegg Martin Freeman Seth Rogen Jack Coleman
Yes yes, I know shameful. But Jack Black is pretty cute when he smiles, I guess I just like funny men.. most of those are funny >_> Anywho, who are yours Kay? Is that first from Greenday, I recognise the second but can't think for the life of me where from. So you like teh guys with ze makeup aye The last guy I posted I only recently admitted to myself and said it out loud to my boyfriend... I still feel weird about myself now, he's like old enough to be my dad O___o Hey hey Tisken, Fiona isn't so bad. Quite cute...
Their personality ups that attractiveness. If you guys never seen Jack Black's movies and only heard his music from Tenacious D, I'm sure most of you guys won't find him "attractive", just another fat dude making music.
You er, ...need serious help... Now we're talking! I'm ready to Salty Pig Hand her til the cows come home, and then some... :naughty:
yea from GD ^^ his voice touched my heart and his enthusiasm moved my soul….the other one is pete wentz XD;..katibear u wish ure claire bennet.. its okay to like jack black lol
yeah, i like ashlee 2, she looks better than jessica imo &now i rmb another one i loved last year he's funny guy from TW
his humor & the way he acts attracted me >.< he does act a lil feminine esp the way he sits & reacts XD
lol, awww hey this isn't the 'lets make fun of people who fancy funny looking people' it's the like 'okay, they are weird for liking them but i can respect that' thread