The last game that I played was called Neves. This was pretty fun for me as I like to put those blocks together and some of them were pretty challenging.
tekken 6...!!...lots of button bashing...^^ won arcade mode with xiaoyu...unlocked some 'cred' feature or whutever...the last boss is harddd... and and how do you block...??...pushing back does nuttin...still get hit.. =/
^ *high five* same same .. just been donning everyone online by button bashing ... no matter who it is it woks .... wjhhahahh ... erm bb u just hjold back lol it does work
Left 4 Dead 2. I should stop playing it for a little while, because that eerie sound of a crying girl is 24/7 stuck inside my head. -cool
yah i almost quit in the first 10 hr cause it felt boring like oblivion but once story kicks and character comes in obviously it's like kotor.
i had 3 goes in 3 different years at oblivion before i realized it was one of the best games ive played ever