Hey guys! So I have been eying a girl from one of my classes this semester. The class just finished but I managed to find her on Facebook where I introduced myself as her class mate and then we started talking on msn. I talked to her like a couple times here and there. So here is the problem, so the first time I sorta hinted at getting together to get to know each other... first time I said I was going to school to study and asked if she wanted to tag along. She said no because she her final was still a week away and she preferred to study alone as she thought group study cannot get anything done. So I just said okay, I will head up myself to study. second time was one or two days later where I talked to her for a bit and told her I was going to the mall to buy some mittens, and asked if she wanted to tag along. She said that on that day it was her dads christmas dinner so she was busy. I also said okay i'll head over to pick some mittens up with some friends then. Now, two days later, I just start a conversation with her and she says she is studying for an exam, I ask her when it is and it is the same day as mine...but get no response... is she purposely ignoring me? or is she actually busy...I really want to get to know her more but then the class is over and I doubt we will have another class together. What should I do guys -boat
Most likely she is really busy with exams and the holiday going on...but of course if she is interested she will try to keep in contact with you even after the class is over....and if she doesn't then you know the answer
Ok it seems like hints are abit over the top, it would be pretty hard to miss your signals. Firstly its exam week so lay off until the after the xmas holiadays coz it mostly likely u'll get on her nerves and ruin any chances u have left. Another thing is get the timing rite, since she declined your invitations how abt tryin a different approach get a few ppl together and organise an outing, say to the movies, go bowling or even just a meal. That way she might be tempted to go. If she does go, dont orbit her the whole evening. Just relax and try and be urself. In the end of the day dont stress too much abt it. Theres plenty of fishes in the sea.
you sound creepy dude. eyeing a girl and then add her online then introduced yourself as her class mate lol. think about it.. your values are - therefore you cannot get a +1 ..you see now lol. -dead don't intro yourself like that again...giving us guys a name yo~
she's probably busy.....tying to avoid you....nah jus joking...hang in there...finals week is the worst so try again right before the next semester starts
Congratulations on your new newborn ba... Ohww nevermind. Just talk to her face to face more often, casually, no commitments to "hang".
no offense but u sound kinda desperate in getting this girl to hang with you ><" maybe you should just wait till exams are over an then try hang out again education first init..
sounds like she wants you as a friend and is finding it a bit hard to get that point across seeing that the "no's" are only firing you up it seems. imo lay off before you get on her nerves, let her approach you and if she doesn't you can go back to lurking on her you ham sup
hold up! did you talk to her in person before you added her on facebook? or did u found her facebook and added her, and talked online?
HAHHAHAHAH that might be it lol:kekekegay: but anyways it does sound like your a bit desperate and it also sound like your initiating the convos everytime! it's exam time so you should study hard and not think about this. another thing is that even if she talks to you on msn or facebook, it probably doesnt mean a whole lot and may just that she wants to be a friend and nothing more..... i wouldn't say you got no chance but just a different approach! -rolleyes and never be the one ending the convos/sms haha lol
hey thanks for the input guys, I now realize I am just being desperate. I guess its because the girl I like never has the same feelings for me so.. too many bad experiences haha. I will lay off, maybe I will see her next semester, and no I didn't get a chance to see her face to face so maybe that is whats wrong. Otherwise, yeah she is probably not interested in me or I did something wrong.