A girl!

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Demonsblood, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    there's your answer to why she doesn't want to hang out with you...next time talk to her face to face, and introduce yourself to her be friends at first and see how everything is at first...dun just add her and facebook, cuz she'll think your stalking her...and like never want to hang out with you anymore...lol
  2. xzmicozx

    xzmicozx Well-Known Member

    You're not being desperate you're just on the wrong time...you're being desperate if she said no but she didn't yet...
  3. Demonsblood

    Demonsblood Active Member

    alright, so I did tell her I was going to join the same student club as her next term, so maybe I will introduce myself face-to-face and go on from there, if I get a chance! and...yeah hopefully I can get to know her more, the right way!

    so, I am assuming the two times (ask to study, to buy mittens) won't harm my chances much? aha aha -er
  4. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know the best way to get with your friend's sister? I never met my friend's sister before, but I seen her picture and she's cute. I don't know how to ask my friend about her without making it feel arkward. I need him to introduce me to her, but would it make my friend feel uncomfortable doing that?
  5. kevboi

    kevboi Well-Known Member

    Hey , i like ur style, back in da days on asian avenue, I was such a pimp lol. I used to msg all the hot girls and talk to them online. I met a couple of chicks from toronto.

    Anywayz back to the topic. Dont let this peeps get to u. I give u an A for trying, if u dont try u got 0 percent, but if u try u still got .0000000001 percent. Go for what u like and never settle for anything else. Lots of people just settle whatever comes their way on gf /bf.

    I gotta tell u this, it doesnt seem like she likes u man. If a girl likes u even tho its exam week, she make the time to hangout or talk to u no matter what. If a girl i dont like and she keeps calling me , i will say im busy and etc, but if a girl i like and she calls me to hang out, even tho im working that day, i call off from work or meet her after work just to see her cause i like her. I hope u get this, dont be down on urself for her not liking u. I failed many times, til this day i still havent concur the dating yet, rofl. Sad, but true. Im also a dummy for love. GL man.
  6. FallOutBoyx530

    FallOutBoyx530 Well-Known Member

    why are you beating yourself up over this?

    just ask her out and tell her the truth. it's the quickest and simplest way.

    if she says no, move on, more in the sea. why waste your time?

    if the girl is interested she'll tell you when you ask, if she says i don't know...use your judgement is she worth it? or are you wasting your time?

    ask her straight out because girls prefer guys that are decisive and know waht they are doing and what they want. if you don't it's just going to be played. you don't want a girl who wants to play...they will get incredibly annoying and you'll get nothing.
  7. Demonsblood

    Demonsblood Active Member

    thanks for the advice guys!
  8. A brother introducing a guy to his sister? are you crazy?
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    haha, agree with u

    @ Thisdamngood...maybe if u let your friend 'beat u up' or something first then he'll let u near his sister? XD
  10. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ so gangster.....hahahah..-lol