u should have a chat to him about your concerns an if he just brushes it off like its nothing...then u know its time to move on.. good luck with everything..-hug
boyfriend what do you expect from a lil boy, if your young then focus on education and furthering yourself and when your ready and old enough, find a man to settle down with. concerning the heart, its deceitful above all things, who can know it? use your head in this case.
2 hours is far, but if it's something important like your birthday, then he should have taken the time to spend it with you. communication is the most important thing in a relationship i am with my girlfriend for about 3 months now and i tell her everything and we are together so happily. just call him out or call him on the phone and talk about it maybe he's not really worth your time
You Got the, puppy love syndromes. Dw, it is normal for you to feel this way. See how it goes in the long run lol if you want.
lol puppy loves syndromes he lives 2 hours away. if i knew my familly was going to the general area my gf lives which is 2 hours away, i'd be willing to drive them to that area. can't force my familly to leave on my gf's birthday. can't justify why i would drive two hours alone, when i could be doing someone a favor. missing from the heart? guy goes to buy you a present, and you think something's wrong because it seems to be missing from the heart............ can you see through his computer? do you know what's going on on his end? maybe he had to go do something. maybe he was afk for some valid reason. anyways, if i had a gf who isn't understanding and more relaxed and has a case of puppy love syndrome, i'd dump her in a second. shit, just give the dude the benefit of the doubt. talk to him yes, but don't be making those paranoid assumption. puppy love makes me wanna barf oh but then again, if he's a douche, and does shit without a valid reason, by all means, ditch the bastard
Was there a valid reason why he couldn't spend time with you on your bday? Maybe he had to do stuff for school/work/family? Ofcourse your birthday is important, but sometimes the gf is just not the most important at that moment. You should realize that. Guys start losing their "in love" feelings after 3 months... it becomes love... as girl you just get less attention even though it's not his intention to hurt you. You think he's not answering you, reacting fast enough... But in fact, he was reacting extra fast during those months, he tends to be always slowly reacting, he was just more into you those months, it's not he's not caring about you, but it's just the moment he "realizes" he should do more than only you. The "heart" part of his present to you, is the fact he has thought of what you'll like to get for your birthday, and he did came to you. Yes he had to drive his family, but no... he wasn't forced to visit you... Just be happy with what you get! Don't break with him just because of these "assumptions"... I used to have those as well... But more important is to TALK to him about what your problem is. Think about this... IF you do break up, he doesn't even know why you broke up, even when he will do anything to make your relationship work, he can't... since he doesn't know WHY you broke up... To him it's as normal as usual. Everything will be clear if u've talked to eachother... When he's understandable, caring, trying to make it up to you, if he's got a reasonable explanation... you can work on it... Think twice before breaking up! And erhh... If he's not... BYEBYE BOY... This is the end! ^_^
it sounds like he is either not interested in you or he is cheating on you already. some guys just love having girls liking them and not let go. you should make a decision soon.
Just leave him.... He doesn't seem caring, if he's uglier than you he'd do more, but he's prettier than you, he is proally not caring.
if things gets a down turn, GET OUT nothing good will come out of it. him being in the relationship probably already puts him in misery. it's not worth getting yourself hurt. just move on. i'm sure you're young.
You should talk to him about it before you break up with him. If he said "i'll change," after the talk, and he doesn't then break up with him. He might have been busy in those 3 months or he might not even care about the relationship. Confronting him is the best way, and see what his deal is.
2-3 months should be the time when both of you want to stick together all the time? hmm... it is kind of not a good sign to me. talk to him and tell him how you feel. hopefully it will change. maybe simply coz he doesn't have much experience in a relatiohship before?
yeah i agree, talk tol him tell him what you think and if it goes wrong, its time to move on ive been with my gf for nearly a year now she lives about 30mins away from me sometimes 45mins depend of traffic i still drive over her at least once a week. cost me a bomb with petrol LOL XD i think ur bf is lacking responsibilty and too lazy to drive 2 hours but tbh 2 hours is very long drive
I would straight up ask him what is going on. If he is still not caring about you and avoiding, then forget him. He's obviously does not care about the relationship so I would break it off.
yea.. find out whats occupying his attention.. I mean it's only been 3 months.. so you guys aren't even that deep into it..