what do you first notice? And I didn't put this in the Love/Relationships thread, because I don't mean that kind of meet, I mean anyone; - A potential friend - A new co-worker -Bus Driver -Old lady/Old man -Young girl/boy e.t.c I don't mean to potentially fancy them, or find them attractive necessarily!! I mean from like really young to really old, not just your apposite sex, or the sex that your attracted to! So what is the first thing you notice? -Looks? -Mannerisms? -How they act / move themselves or something else?
That's weird Haha, you could have just said 'their smile' gfight1 Thanks Haha I think the cleveage thing is a given, if it's showing it's bound to grab attention XD Do you bat only for the other team Kay, or are you just very open? Either way, doesn't make a difference, just always notice you posting hot chickas! I say hair is a big thing for me too, when noticing/looking at someone But for me, my main thing is how they move, as in how they walk, move their hands, facial expressions e.t.c
Boy - Mannerism dont care about anything else. Females - Clothing (i can see a persons sense of self worth through this) - Mannerism (If your not a nice person i wont even bother talk with you and if your so pretty that your intoxicated with vanity then ill avoid you (happened plenty and they wonder why i wont talk with them like everyone else)) thats it seeing that were just talking about meeting people in a casual sense.
I don't just mean women? Or do you look at men's cleavage too? I mean, anyone you walk past, old fat guy, young girl, old woman e.t.c Haha good for you. I don't know how to handle or talk to people like that, they are just intimidating for me
GUY at first i would look at the hair .... so if he has quite sexy hair then i go look at the shoes (yes i do do this) then i look at his dress sense and see if hes got any thing going on and then if i like all that ... i look at his chest and his willy ... i would like to see if hes either quite muscular or chubby (but i dont mind) then i see how big his willy is because ... normally people with big willys has the type of attitude of fuck it all and meeeh how ever people with a small willy is short tempered and that soo i wouldnt mind a guy that has an average one ... if it all matches up then i give big grin and 2 thumbs up and they normally smile back or come and say hi .... but i cant be any one random tho .. not like a random guy off the street .. it has to be the kind you know of or a friend of a friend or even some one you see regularly GIRL i just smile and they give me a hug because i somehow know them even though i dont, but honestly i dont mind what a girl looks like to become friends (i get on with every girl i see *meaning in a friendly way *)
The small willy / short tempered thing I think is very true I knew someone once.... moving on though Everyone seems to be taking this as someone they potentially fancy... What I mean is ANYONE! Not someone your own age maybe... not someone your potentially going to be attracted to... I mean kids, grannies, trannies LOL, anyone! So 8ball your saying when you meet an old guy you check out his willy? gross
high 5 that applies to males 2 i think, somehow why cant i do what men do.....:( anyways i dont think u can look @ how a bus driver move/walk when he sits all the time xD another thing for me after general appearance would be the way they speak, pitch, volume, the way they construct their sentences, usage of words....