Tis the end of the 00-09 decade, what were your best or worse moments of the past 10 years that you are not afraid to share with your fellow PA members? What new resolution(s) are you planning and what prospects do you hope to fulfill by 2020 (if we live past 2012) I shall start: I think my best moment came towards the end of the decade, where I really came to know who my true friends were, you know, the type of friends you will be calling out to dinner when you are 50+ Worse moment... hmmm...... : I really do not have anything i can truly regret doing there were bad times but nothing worthy of a worse moment title, if anything i truly think my life is only beginning and my career is still pending growth. As for resolutions... Try to land a better job, get a dog and buy my own car. I shall leave it to three, so it seems a bit more obtainable
i want to be good at playing the violin... and i also want to start playin the guitar~ hehe uhm.... need to save money for my work&travel =D
hmm..reflection where should i start...well i learned a lot this year i was more respectful to my parents and family this year than other years as for my resolutions, workout more, do better in school, and be a good boy (which means no drink, and drugs)
Hmm 2009 reflection... same old every year I guess. Resolution - save up more money, hopefully travel with brother over the summer, do better in school and help out family more
2009 reflection... this year has been decent but I did have some very depressing moments. Though, I feel that I did learn a lot and have established a stronger bond with my friends. As for my resolutions... the ones on the top of my head right now are: - Get a job, - Actually try in uni and get higher grades - Girlfriend (Lol, yeah I know ; ( ) - Have fun and get rid of all the bad habits that I have ie. procrastination
Woo Happy New Year everyone! My resolutions.. -stop unnecessary cussing. (but I have to define necessary first. I guess it's more of beginning to stop cussing..) -lose weight. -bring up my GPA.
Best thing of 2009 - I finally flew the nest, and now have my own place with my boyfriend Suuuuch a good feeling Worst thing of 2009 - Losing my car. For 2010: -I'd like to try and get some confidence, don't know where from - don't think you can buy it in stores -Make some new friends / Meet some new friends -Be a good first time auntie to my brothers new baby who is due any time soon Can't wait!!! -Continue to learn Japanese, and maybe start trying some more Chinese I could really make a huge list, there are so many ways to improve myself, i'm soooo imperfect Good luck to everyone and their resolutions! Edit: Oh, and P.S! Get out of Fobabee status -lol didn't mind foblet but fobabee me no likie haha
best moment in my life was in 01-02 when i skipped school, hung around the pool hall and smoked weed everyday with a buncha other skippers that we got to know each other puahaha and the cashier behind the counter was known to us as our substitute teacher. Worse moment, probably yesterday with a really bad hang over, i counted 13 shots and 3 beers before i passed out and i've probably puked over 10 times during the night and day all over my friends house =x and someone gave me a bag to puke in with a hole in it so it went onto my jeans and i walked around in my boxers with a blanket draped around flashing people =x resolutions : not to be too nice to people find friends who aren't jerks and wolves ( not shinobi or blee =p ) make new friends make new friends make more money save money finish college
@ katibear: having your own place is great, paying the bills isn't @hadouken: LOL sending 09 out with a bang @KT: i didn't know you had a cursing problem
We had our bills on new years day, and they were surprisingly okay! I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a bill before -lol thought it was going to be a lot more than it was, whoop I'd still rather be living in my own house and paying bills, than living with my dad and not paying bills
Aha resolutions... I always make them, but never follow them. =P This year will be different though! hopefully... 1. Get Fit! ... I think I'm on the computer too much 2. Get good grades! ... yeah, I'm not much of a book person, but its going to be my freshmen year in college...so I gotta try hard! 3. Get a girlfriend! ...man seriously though, im not kidding.. LOL 4. Save my money for an RX7<3 ...but to be honest I'm a horrible driver atm hahah.
probably the most unforgettable decade ever: having lived through this decade just to get an uni degree after much failures and such failures is haunting me for the rest of my life WHY I DIDNT STUDY? WHY WAS I SO LAZY? WHAT WAS I DOING? must thank my father for his support help me live through such time learned to be responsible for the family living through a difficult financial situation i think the most valuable lesson is: the lost of a close family member for the first time, when someone is gone, the last moment you ever see her is when the casket is closing, never ever will you see her again, she only remains as a memory Resolutions: be good to my family get fit get a girlfriend get married have children work hard