Death Row Briton Learns He Faces Execution

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by master_g, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. the guy went over there to put out a record and ended up executed... the song is on youtube i think
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's the other way around; they wouldn't want any sort of precedence that would prevent them from continuing to execute Chinese.

    They (the PRC government) can't afford to give the man a fair trial. Why? Because then everyone in China would expect one too. China routinely conducts sham trials to give the appearance of the rule of law, but that's all just for show. It keeps the Chinese people believing that everything is fair. But, if this Brit really got a fair trial, with strict adherence to real and actual laws, then the regular Chinese guy on the street would expect it too.

    But the Chinese Communist Party cannot afford that, else they would lose control of the country. So whether the man smuggled drugs or not was really immaterial. He had to die in order for the CCP to preserve the illusion that their legal system is legitimate.

    Not really, but it is exactly what the PRC wants you to think, that this was purely a difference between Chinese and western points of view; hardly. Its about how the CCP keeps control of the masses.
  3. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    hahaaa... mroe reason to smuggle drugs to keep himself surviving in the music industry :p
    + i bet he was inspried by Kerry Katona hahahaha

    Well the legal system usually links to the political ideas towards the country.. so I may say I was wrong to say the cultural clashes but politically China and Britain has different fews on how they want the legal system to run to suit the population (as you said) and maybe the "morals" that the Chinese has always been taught.

    Also I keep banging on about Human Rights BUT I think China can't afford to give their population the legal aid (i.e. free advice and soliciting by lawyers) and to proptect EVERYONE's rights in the country. I mean the Chinese never really went in depth with personal rights as much as the Western people do, they usually just suck up and take whatever crap they get from others to not make the situation big when msot of the Chinese may not have the money to afford the sueing which the bourgoisies can easily bribe and turn the sueing around.
    On the other hand because the Western world has Human Rights issue because the Western people made a huge scene out of personal rights that's why the EU and the UN created this to make themselves look better and the fact that they have the money to regulate this in the countries and in the court systems
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    So inotherwords, there is no difference now under communist rule, than under the KMT or Qing. That is, the rich, influential, or powerful will always get ahead while the poor masses get short changed and shafted? So THIS was what so many (millions) Chinese died for in the civil war? LOL... How pathetically cruel, but so typical of Chinese history.

    That is the fait accompli that the PRC doesn't want the masses to dwell or even focus on; that after all is said and done, the whole concept of communism in the PRC is just a house of cards. Behind the political smoke and mirrors, is the exact same corruption, nepotism, "landlord" or wealthy class abusing the poor peasants, except now we do it electronically and with AK47s to the back of the head. The workings of the Chinese courts of today mirror the Yamens of yesteryear, where imperial judges were routinely paid off and there was no justice except for the very rich and influential.

    Hence, PRC officials don't want you to look too closely, or else you'll see their entire system as the sham it's been all along. -dead
    #24 ralphrepo, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  5. suipang

    suipang Member

    his fault
  6. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I don't follow the politics in China but I recently read an article on WSJ that over 3000 people were arrested in some villages in China that included public officials, justice, businesses, policemen, citizens .. working together as a big family gang that committed bribery, murder, drug trafficking, prostitution, etc .. It was interesting to read since China is growing now nationally and globally sorta speak .. one kinda assumed that things will be better control especially with high tech too. guess not .. scary though .. glad I am not living there.

    BACK to the story .. I read about this particular case too. I personally have no sympathy for him. I don't believe his mental illness affected his decision making ability. A lot of people think that they can do shit and get away with things simply because they have a British or US passport. That kind of mentality will get you killed. I think this guy got a somewhat fair treatment. He was arrested 2 years ago, not 2 weeks ago so he obviously hopped through all the rings in the judicial process despite the unchanged judgment. Certainly, I don't think China specifically went out after this guy. He obviously committed a crime and according to the Chinese law, it's death. That applies to all people including "Chinese".
  7. i had the same feeling when i heard the news... ionno it just makes me angry when ppl think they can get away with anything in China just because they have a Brit or US passport or because they have "mental illness"...
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    drugs are bad mmkay?
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    In the first part, it was a story about Chongqing and how the local politicians basically became the mafia of that city. In a rare show of battling corruption, even party members were arrested, which is very unusual for the PRC.

    In the second part, it doesn't apply to all people; the Communist Party members are usually not even arrested, and if so, are almost always exempted by courts from the laws (which are actually fairly well written) of the land. In essence, only the little people worry about obeying. This is the main problem with the judiciary over there.
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    If you put it that way, then that happens everywhere including the US.
  11. ^ to rite it does.. if you got money, you got the power, only the fall guys rarely go to prison and even then.. its prolly more comfy than the typical bedroom.
  12. crazy_man206

    crazy_man206 Well-Known Member

    they couldnt prove he was bipolar. not that it matters. its a retarded excuse.

    britain is just crying because they got snubbed.

    Chinese are quite happy with their legal system. what other people think and what happens in other countries is irrelevant. the trial was in China.