[video=youtube;lyc7lWppIxM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyc7lWppIxM"[/video] [video=youtube;OaZ_Xga8q3E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaZ_Xga8q3E"[/video]
^ Well it's kinda like using a drum instead you use a pen -_- I mean a drum alone can't make a song itself either
What is there to defend? I already use the analogy between the Pen = Drum, If they don't like the sound of drum, then that is nothing to argue about... Beside, I'm indifferent to whether I like this or not -^_^
im not sure why people are hating and shitting brix over this talent. imo, i find it interesting, and personally, i can't do it, so i enjoyed it. if you don't like it, fine leave, no need to cause a commotion and have OP defend his thread.