Are you talking about it being different to places like Guangzhou (Canton)? Guangzhou is China, thent here's Macau too. I got friends from these places, they don't seem that different to me.
as some ppl had already said, hk not a country. its a 1 country 2 systems and that has worked really well. nothing as changed in hk, lifestyle, government and eveyrhting stay the same, except that they recognise themselve as part of china.
In 2046, hong kong will not have their own system and will be back with china under their system? This 1 country 2 systems expires 50 years after 1997. correct me if i'm wrong. but to answer your question, hong kong is not a country.
HK will never become it's own country... Only reason why the governing systems are different because of the British influence given to HK and it is hard to get out of the system in a short time, it needs time to adjust and hybrid the two governing systems that HK has now and the Mainland China has TBH all my friends thinks HK is part of Japan and I always correct them and say it is part of China but a bit like Northern Ireland that's kinda not attached to the British Isle....
well.. i guess the reason for this topic is to ask people opinion of what they think and not what it actully is, i bet everyone on PA actully do know HK is actully part of China.. But I consider HK a country itself and i hope that China will never gain totally control over HK, because HK is cool the way it is now and im happy it is a SAR now. and someone really have been digging this out lols
it could if China didn't own it in the first place, but thanks to UK for owning for the 100 yrs, their idea was to kill HK's developments but the opposite effects came in and it become a cool city...but now that it is tied to China, without China, it will die for those who don't know, HK was on a 100-year lease to UK because China lost the war and that was the agreement and China will never let Hong Kong go as a country or depart from it, China benefits from Hong Kong, HKG is one of the ports loaded with biz after all even thou HK has its "Special Administrative Region Government" but many special rules will need the approval from the China's Government as well, is not as easy as ppl would think but i do have a strong feeling that people in hong kong consider themselves as the higher ranks than anyone in China just that because China is so old that many uneducated people are making the place cheap
I didn't know HK belongs to China..My friend was asking me about this today and i contradicted him.HK and China are sooo different
wow..this thread is like almost 4 years ago.. Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. but this thread was intended of how people think of Hong Kong not facts
I think what he is lamenting is, that Hong Kong, then a British Crown Colony, should have been granted their independence instead of being reverted back to the PRC. It could have then been an independent city state like Singapore.