Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC)

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Tony, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Yah, a lotta nice stuff. I'm going to have fun pumping psycho torch of purple fire through everyone's chest. And I've got Cody on my list for secondary characters. JACKPOT!!!!!!!
  2. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ^'re copying me aren't ya...
  3. exiled

    exiled Well-Known Member

    i cant wait for this game. i just want it to come out now but so far im very dissappointed with the counter ultras. theres no point using them since u can punish the same way with a regular ultra.
  4. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ are you even listening to what your saying .... you counter because your getting hit and you use ultra but you if you just do a normal ultra it can be evaded or blocked .... gawwdd ......
  5. counter ultras are going to be a bit more tricky to land... it's like ken's current ultra.... it's complete crap if you can't land the first uppercut punch.... it's not like ryu's where you can dragon uppercut, cancel, ultra.... you do that with ken... it does less than if you just canceled into and ex uppercut... total waste
  6. you seem to be forgetting something....

    90% of the player base are still gona use ken and ryu......

    and flow chart...
  7. akuchy

    akuchy Member

    It seems fun all over again.
  8. you forgot about sagat and gief.....
  9. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    your also forgetting akuma and goken
  10. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    I was sold on the homerun strike!


    I certainly DO NOT want to play a character that screams PROFOUND SADNESS upon defeat. ROFL.

  11. hmmmmmm, no, gouken and gouki are not scrub characters
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I wanted to use Cody cos of its stone, mostly I liked him in Alpha 3 lol

    And good thing so far I hear no nerf from Bison yet lol
    Looks like I can still leg slap like mad :xd:
    Damn Akuma's far heavy kick have more start up =[ Can't spam as much
    And Rufus EX Snake Strike.....NOOOOOOOO!!!!
  13. maybe not gouken... but gouki/akuma.... can be played scrubby..... just hope back and fire ball like mad... its sometimes hard to get pass it if they keep spamming it.... you have to wait for the mistake and shit... and you have no priority almost if you are in the air and he fireballs... unless if your are gief or sagat...
  14. ^ lol that is true somewhat, every scrub gief has rage quite vs my runaway gouki, cus he cant land his lariat and he eats air projectiles, buts thats how i used to treat scrub giefs. but i think he also isnt a scrub because his vitality is so low, once the person manages to get close your dead, oherwise you just absorb gouki's projectiles to build your rage meter.
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Running away is a valid tactic. People that cannot catch you are the real scrubs.

  16. says the scrub player ;)
  17. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Gouki's demon flip is the answer for big combo on Gief LOL
  18. ^ yeah ill use gief mashing on 3 x punch and you do demon flip and we see who wins. LOL
  19. seriously, that lariat is one damn button... pull it out non stop and takes so much priority.... even when ducking it can still hit you, only way to get past it is to try and squeeze in a crouching medium kick and fireball if you are playing with ken.....