Damn... the thing looks like it could masquerade as a heart lung bypass machine, LOL... (and I just love the Crocodile Dundee reference)
its bloody ferocious isn't it. its a spin off of this thermaltake beauty: http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/06/bmw-designs-pc-case-for-thermaltake/ running at around $900US. (thermaltake case that is)
lol my Revo gets a score of like 3.9 but w/e, it runs 1080p video and has wireless N, thats all i really need.
You know, I had almost the same idea years ago, in which components would be collectively laid out on a wall mount, with wires running between each hardware component. Sort of like 3D art. Never got around to actually doing it though, LOL...
You do have a very good point. Building computers do require a bit of finesse but I do believe that after doing a bit of research, like you suggested, putting a system together shouldn't be any harder than learning to ride a bike. Anyway, moving to the current conversation, it's funny to think that (back in 2004) I was too afraid to run a system outside the case.
The back panel is almost done. I've got the motherboard tray cut and mounted. Now I need to cut holes for fans and the PSU. Got holes drilled and tapped for the floor and back . I'll post some pics of the progress once it stops raining.
guys... i wanna buy one of these three.... Zalman ZM-MFC3 4 Fan Speed Controller 5.25IN Bay W/ Backlit LCD Fstn Timer Display NZXT Sentry LX which one should i gettttttt
i have been wanting to get my own i7 desktop rig going.... so here is my newegg cart for myself.... any objections? + 2 of these monitors Acer X233H for 200 more i can get an 80gb SSD...... lol