I dont expect an intellectual song, but a song only about putting your dig in the wrong hole is just stupid. I mean I could also write a song about putting a key in the wrong keyhole. Just so stupid. No I expect more from someone who is a songwriter. Come on he is a professional. No I am not, are you?
i enjoyed that very much ...its not stupid .its about the creativity of the song and how it was made....... lady gaga has a song called montsers and its about guys she slept with with big dicks and she got another song called future love which is about dildos .... but i dont find it stupid .. because it was shown through the creativeness through the song and lyrics .... its like saying that song by snow patrol , chasing cars is stupid because its about chasing cars ... wtf ..... thats not right because its an epic song ......
Who says it's the 'wrong hole'? Okay, just grossed myself out, ha. Before I even opened the thread I read the title and lol'd a little, but that was pretty funny haha lol @ him scrubbing himself in the bath & on the horse Fair play to the girl though she has a really nice voice, if that's her singing
Her name is Taryn Southern, and she's actually a pretty accomplished net star in her own right: http://www.youtube.com/user/hott4hill?blend=1&ob=4#p/c/9606F8D444B95077/1/aKOyyPjHmt0
what's more astonishing is the thought of how this thread came to resurface, what exactly were member's using the forum search for.....