Office Paper to Toilet Paper

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by AC0110, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    [ame=""]YouTube- Office Paper to Toilet Paper - White Goat Paper Recycler : DigInfo[/ame]

    White Goat also has a shredding machine in it. The shredded paper first goes into a hopper, where it is untangled in small batches, and its then dissolved in a pulper. Any foreign matter is removed in a tank, and the pulp consistency is adjusted. Next, the wet paper is thinned out and dried. The dry paper is wound into finished toilet rolls, which emerge from the outlet one at a time. All of these tasks are done automatically.


  2. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    imo who ever made that is a complete genius !!
  3. monkey207

    monkey207 Active Member

    LOL. I wonder if it's clean enough to use since it's not treated.
  4. 30 mins to make and requires 40 sheets of A4, thats slow and requires a lot of paper, lot easier to just buy toilet paper which would be cheaper than the 40 sheets of A4 per roll. the toilet roll is also very low quality, like you better use plenty tissue when wiping your bum incase it tares lol!

    the only selling point is the saving trees as its gona take a long time to offset the cost of the machine and yeah, as its untreated i wouldn't advise women use this unless they want random stuff happening to them.
  5. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Dang...looks rough...
  6. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    yes but then u have to realize how much paper a office uses .. soooo and rather recyle the shredded paper and use it to wipe your ass then binning it
  7. walk into any small business office use only the unwanted/unneeded paper and let's see how many rolls of toilet paper you will make.

    This is innovation.
  8. ^ an 8 hour day, at 30 mins per roll, 16 rolls per day. not saying its a bad machine.. dont get me wrong :spank:
  9. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    damn it..only comes in one ply! -bowroflarms


  10. its a dangerous game
  11. how many plys do you need?! lmao... im sure there will be upgrades XD
  12. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Paper ass cut is possible now :)
  13. 2 ply, 1 ply is a no no, cant even blow your nose without blowing a hole through the tissue

    if that happens it will be water diet till it heals
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i'll just wipe ma asshole with that million dolla contract thanks
  15. [​IMG]
  16. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

  17. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Sounds fun
  18. ^ kinda like a 'slide game'
  19. lol..... well isn't that why you fold the 1ply sheet like 4 times to achieve like 2ply? LOL
  20. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    lol its a cool and smart idea doe...