Xbox vs PS3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by master_g, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Round 1: Controller

    [ame=""]YouTube- Xbox Vs. PS3: Round 1[/ame]

    Rounds 2 & 3: Hardware

    [ame=""]YouTube- Playstation 3 Vs. Xbox 360: Rounds 2 & 3[/ame]
    Round 4: CPU

    [ame=""]YouTube- Xbox 360 Vs. PS3: Round 4 (CPU)[/ame]

    Round 5: GPU

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- Xbox 360 vs. PS3: Round 5[/nomedia]

    Round 6: UI

    [ame=""]YouTube- Xbox 360 Vs. PS3: Round 6 (UI)[/ame]

    Round 7: Online Experience:

    [ame=""]YouTube- Xbox 360 vs. PS3: Round 7[/ame]

    Round 8: Media Playback (trailer)

    [ame=""]YouTube- Console Wars Round 8: Trailer (Media Playback)[/ame]
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i watched this a while ago pretty much agree with it except paying for xbox live part, man loves paying for xbox live.

    media playback definitely ps3 has the upper hand unless he is blind.
  3. yeah these are good comparisons.
  4. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    "Something you'll find in a ditch" - I LoL'ed so hard...
    Well damn, I wouldn't mind finding those shit at a ditch

    Aww, I thought I would be able to watch it all, but I guess it's a weekly thing?
    and I love the Wii bash comments, they make my day...
    #4 AC0110, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  5. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    TOTALLY AGREE!!! seriously hate it when ps3 takes time loading and whats more retarded is like when im on fat princess and when im curious to see if they updated and put any thing on the store you have to quit game then load playstation store then to the fat princess menu ... really pisses me off ..... and lmao true true with the l2 and r2 ... really hate it ... hhahahah
  6. [ame=""]YouTube- Xbox 360 vs PS3: Round 8 (Media Playback)[/ame]
  7. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ and that is why not compressed audio is better then compressed audio ....:D
  8. they didn't even mention the PS3 Photo Gallery for viewing pictures..

    [ame=""]YouTube- Playstation 3 Photo Gallery[/ame]

    very easy to navigate and fun to use

    As far as movies goes.. PS3 is just way easier to navigate.

    I wonder if he's going to compare size of the console and the room it takes up.. Xbox battery = size of PS3 slim... lol
  9. ^ they did @ 10:22

    well the 360 is well beaten in this department.

    they wont even let me dload a demo... cus im not GOLD member...
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^next round xbox 360 gonna win hands down though lol, but its mostly the developers fault that the multiplatform games suck on ps3 also the complicated architecture but first party developers pushing out crazy stuff.
  11. doesn't matter how many rounds xbox 'wins' in the end it's PS3...

    Free online MP.. Free Demos.. Media Playback.. a CPU or GPU that hasn't even reached it limits yet.. Upgradeable HDD..

  12. multiplayer
    i think free multiplayer and free demos fall under the same unbrella, its free online services. fyi demos are free, but you have to wait a while before you can dload the newest demos (like a month) when your not a gold member, still sux but 'not free' is not true.

    as for the cpu limits thing IMO i dont care, i rather the game itself was good, that comes first then the 'shiny' can come afterwards.

    BUT i would have to say that uncharted 2 uses the full capabilities of the PS3, including full use of the 7 SPU's.

    This game also makes full use of the blue ray disk pushing it to its limit, so i would say this is a showcase title and as a result the xbox would not be able to play this game without it getting the crap compressed out of it.

    there seems to be a few sites that disagree with each other on some things which is to be expected so i found a video of the 'Creative director' herself who confirms that they maxed it out.

    I dont think having the full capabilities of the machine utilised is a bad thing though.

    (go to 3:38 for the hardware bit)

    [ame=""]YouTube- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PAX 09: Creative Director Interview HD[/ame]


    True, but M$ will always be M$ so we are stuck with over priced first party rubbish, you can do a hack and install your own HDD but youll prolly get banned and i think your limited to the official sizes too or the system will recognise it and prolly grass you up too. but on another note, xbox is a more expensive option on this matter but upgradable HDD does not make a game better or worse.

    But nowadays people are talking about media and watnot, i just play consoles for games tbh, if i want media ill turn the tv on or the pc, if i want music ill turn the sound system on, but thats me.

    i dont mind the xbox so much but its M$ who are getting on my nerves now.. allllll about the money.
    #12 master_g, Feb 10, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  13. No just the HDD tho.. their damn memory storage is proprietary too..

    so if you want to back up any saves.. you have to buy their damn memory cards.

    More storage space doesn't equate to a better a game, but it does mean more storage for DLC.. and more and more developers are pushing out DLC for any game they come out with.

    Media wise, I love watching blu-ray movies.. the experience is way different than just watching it on my monitor even tho. it's 26".. 26" monitor vs 46" Tv is a lot different.
    As far as netflix goes for the systems, I can just rent movies on Amazon through my TV and instant HD movie stream. But I was wondering, if you don't have live subscription can you even still access netflix?

    Controller wise I do like Xbox and the analogs have more resistance which feels a bit better. But I agree that your middles hurt after awhile from pressin on the controller for too long. Kind of a rip off too you can't get a rechargeable control when you buy a console, you have to pay extra for the plug n recharge kit..
  14. i bought a charge kit for my pad and it broke lol, I just buy batteries now... the pad is nice but sux for anyting that requires you use the d-pad.

    also about netflix... NO WAY!!!!! M$ will not allow you to use any service if your not paying for a subscription. thats why we dont have BBCI player on xbox cus the dum M$ are saying that we MUST have a subscription to access it but BBC are trying to tell them that we cant be charged legally for it because we already pay a TV licence. so no bbci player..
  15. i just have to say it is unfair to sony that developers don't want to put forth the effort to make their games that much better.

    The xbox is built by MS so i expect it to be compatible with their market OS counterparts.... but for media... the blu-ray equipped system takes it.... along with the hdmi 1.3.
  16. ^ unless its gona be based on ps3 architecture, when ported its simply to much hassle to use all the resources.

    but the makers of uncharted said they are making a 3rd party tool that will allow 3rd party developers to extract all its power, so im sure that will help
  17. bumblejelly

    bumblejelly Member

    xbox in general
    good gamers use xbox.
  18. that would be pretty damn sweet, games from there on out would be able to completely utilize the PS3's core.

    Uncharted 2 has amazing graphics. Superb detail. I only played the demo so far, and plan on getting the game when it drops in price.
  19. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ps3 should win in having better exclusives hands down imo
  20. ^ i ''think'' its about the consoles capabilities rather than the games it gets