then her ex BF posts this on youtube... revenge fail? Shes hawt at least [ame=""]YouTube- 谷胸港女數è‡ç”·å‹[/ame]
Yeah, no ones that shameless as to put up a video like that lol. But then again, people seem to always make a complete fool of themselves.
會考連'C'都冇 That was funny as hell... I love the tagged video [ame=""]YouTube- 三è¬æ¸¯å¥³MTV - 30000..然後(黎潔瑩 Carole Babe)[/ame] The original song is from: "陳奕迅 - 七百年後"
i'm guessing her ex. bf dumped her cuz she was an A cup? and now shes taking it back at him by showing off that she's a C cup now and he ain't gettin' none of it. -bigsmiles
Not being able to understand this, it looks like an advertisement for breast enhancement cream. Then again, even if i could understand it... i think it would still be an advertisement for breast enhancement cream.