Canadian newspaper, The Vancouver Sun, reports that a Texas teenager has been arrested after bragging online about an upcoming killing spree. A British Columbian gamer may have saved the lives of American teenagers after reporting comments by an Xbox LIVE gamer based in San Antonio, Texas. According to the report, the disgruntled US teen was bemoaning recent grades and began naming specific targets for a possible high school shooting. The Port Alberni, BC resident informed the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who then contacted Microsoft's Law Enforcement Security division, who quickly pinpointed the gamer’s location as San Antonio, Texas. The Texas teen was promptly taken into custody by local police, and now faces charges. Port Alberni RCMP Staff Sgt. Lee Omilusik told the Vancouver Sun: “This incident demonstrates the power of the electronic world and how different enforcement agencies can quickly work together to protect the citizens they serve, regardless of obstacles such as international barriers. In this case, the suspect was quickly arrested and no one was hurt thanks to the information received from a concerned citizen.” The incident occurred late last week. As yet the seriousness of the charges has not been made public. It will certainly be interesting to hear what the boy in question has to say for himself, though. Likewise his parents, who have no doubt already padlocked their son's Xbox and grounded the lad for life...
I really don't see how Xbox has anything to do with stopping the guy from shooting up a place. It could happen anywhere. Props to the guy that reported the incident.
yep the guy just happened to be on live when he started going off on one. lol they are crazy, pretty sure some will turn up when 'Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo Kazooie' comes out next week.
that point is, the underlying medium of stopping him was because he made threats openly while on xbox live, and the person who over heard these comments was also on xbox live and was able to contact authorities.
actions speaks louder the words.. lots of teens just say things that they fantasise about but never really happens... it's only xbox live not the fricking news... the kid was happened to be there to hear it and go and grasp the geezer up because he may have been gullable
i just realized the title. should be more like xbox live give courage/inspire kids to speak up about their violent nature hahaha... i haven't really experienced xbox live fully but from what i seen of the youtube videos all of the voice messages usually involve violence and profanity lol.
my experience is where the birtish takes the piss out of the americans... mainly those that sounds like rednecks... which results into violence haha and no i do not take part in it.. i just listen to it in the room lol
also the excellent service provided by M$ staff giving the persons details to the authorities. Dont wana make a debate out of it but if some disturbed guy was mad about you and your family and knew where you lived and were threatening to go round and stab you all and petrol bomb your house in a drunken rage i think you would appreciate it if the person was 'grassed' on, by the time it reaches the ''fricking news'' people are gona be hurt or dead, just my opinion though. not all of them, most are normal, only a few cause a fuss, tbh all my time on live i have only been in a handful of games which had those kinds of people, most of them are on halo, youtube only shows the bad ones of course or else nobody would watch.
In this age, saying something like that will get you into a lot of trouble. Best keep stuff like that to yourself whether you mean it or not.
the thing is, the media need a scapegoat, and games is the way to go when it comes to violent related things.