THFP First Look: Sonic Sega All Stars Racing

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by master_g, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. [ame=""]YouTube- THFP First Look: Sonic Sega All Stars Racing[/ame]

    This game is gona OWN!!!!!!!!
  2. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    This looks a lot more appealing that Mario Kart!
    I'm sooo getting it!!! Ahhh!!!
  3. comes out next friday!!!!
  4. lol wtf.. that one powerup boosted him to 2nd place.. -__-
  5. and he still came 2nd to last >.<
  6. cause he sucks LOL.... -sweat

    and.... it does look like a big mario kart ripoff....... the items essentially do the same stuff......
  7. ^ dont take his review to seriously... this is what he said after the review as you probably already know...

    He told me he will prolly do another review next week, as for it being a MK rip off, its IMPOSSIBLE to make a good kart game without it borrowing things from MK games because MK has the whole kart thing covered.

    But its not like MK, i know my MK, this game is different, but you do have speed powerup, missile type stuff etc etc, but thats going to be found in all kart games or else it wont be complete or utterly boring, can you imagine a kart game with no speed boost? no missile? that would be dum!!! the same can be said for all other genres too.
  8. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    thing is tho MK is a bit too blah.. coz when everyone gets the boosts they all do the same thing near on.
    On Sonic, it seems like each individual characters have the different special powers? Just like in the vid where Sonic turns gold and runs like Sonic. It's a bit impossible to see the SF players turn gold and run like Sonic too :p
  9. MK on wii is unbalanced, everyone used the same character, a lot of the MK games have overpowered items, like thunder and the blue shell, on this game the items are very well balanced, no wins for noobs.

    Yeah each character has their own 'all star' move, sonics one he becomes super sonic, have you tried the demo yet behbeh
  10. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ i haven't got a Wii so I wouldn't know what the actual game is about although I have seen my friends playing on it when I was round their house..

    No I have played the demo yet, but then I can't be bothered to go on my PS3 and get the demo lol....
  11. ps3... xbox versin is better, you can dload it without a active subscription
  12. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    lol i have active subscription on Live too but I want more games for PS3..
  13. ok
  14. how is the xbox sonic kart game any better than the ps3 sonic kart game? i highly doubt there is huge demand in graphics, audio, over all ease of play?


    and yeah it is true that MK has dominated the genre, it cause they were the first to do it. Well i hope this kart game is a bit better though..... cause it is definitely fun.
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol master g pulling things outta his ass hahah

    but i guess sega fans would love it but to me its like every other cart game out there

    anyways for ps3 everyone should wait for modnation racers instead.

  16. okok guys-surr

    when i say xbox version is better i dont mean it in a fanboy way.. look.

    wii version

    Race as Mii
    - Race as some other exclusive character
    - no DLC

    pc version

    its offline - nuff said
    buts its cheap

    xbox version

    - Play as your avatar
    - play as Banjo and kazoie
    - Online play

    ps3 version

    - SIXAXIS support (Y) (wana see how dum it is?, look HERE)
    - online play

    From the looks of it, everyone who has both consoles are getting it on the 360, a lot of ps3 people are complaining about having to pay the same price as us 360 people even though they are lacking two characters. also for this game the 360 online playerbase is much larger than the ps3 player base but youll still find racers ofc.

    Thats what i mean by better, it has more stuff, i dont mean its better because its on the 360 or w/e

    not just sega fans, kart fans also, like myself, i dont care about sega characters, i first discovered this game while trailing the internet looking for a glimmer of hope of a euro/us re-release of Kart rider.

    not saying your hating but a lot of the haters of this game say "get modnation racers, its gona be 100% better even though i never played it in my life!!!" but seriously, unless your hardcore poor im sure a person can buy this when it comes out next week and IF the modnation game is any good when/if it comes out during summer then they can get that, if you are pretty hard up then that sux, yeah wit till summer till its released and buy whichever is best. I was looking at it before and i wasnt to bothered by it, but i dont have a ps3 atm anyway.
    #16 master_g, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
  17. xbox version = pay another 40 bucks for a crappy ass game jus to play online.. lol
  18. if 77 cents a week is gona break the bank or go against your principles then yeah i would avoid it too and stick to ps3. But its not a crap game but thats just my opinion.
  19. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    is that the one where you can build your own race track and all that? seen the vid to that and it was awesome! but dunno when that is out tho and not a clue what the game name is called...

    + downloaded the demo of this kart game on the PS3 and I think it's actually pretty damn fun for kids and family and people like me but not for people who are hardcore gamers and likes certain games only etc.
    Played on Sonic on the first race and had the same power up as the gamer did on the demo and only reached me to 4th place then ended up in 8th place?
    Then 2nd go I went on Eggman and he was awesome, his powerup was to fly and drop bombs at every single person in the path and went from 7th to 1st but ended up 2nd as typically Sonic beat me?
  20. lol behsum, this game is for hardcore racers too, im a member of the sega forum so this is what one of the developers said concerning advanced techniques.

    believe it or not, a lot of people are complaining that its to hard.

    here is a half decent game from some guy i know, wait till i see him online on friday, ill teach him a lesson, you aint pro just cus you beat some lame AI.
