A worrisome Orwellian turn if simple photography is considered suspicious or terrorist activity. What's ironic about this is that the legal freedom to photograph anything in the public view is what allows the police themselves to routinely mount surveillance systems in the streets, and to photograph people without their knowledge or consent. I hope this man gets himself a good lawyer and sues the government, along with the several officers for false arrest and false imprisonment. You expect this sort of state behavior in places like China or Zimbabwe. To see it in the UK, no matter how "polite" the encounter, is indeed frightening. -madsign1
its true, the police do it themselves but they wont find their own actions suspicius, but or normal people like us .. ohh we must be terrorists!!! there is alot to learn from this video though, he made good use of his rights
props to the guy for sticking up to his rights. I woulda gave them my details straight away on the first encounter if it was me XD
If this was the US, the guy would have been tazed atleast 5 times and then shot in the back of the head. The video would probably then have surfaced and the officers involved would have been given a few weeks off with pay.