I was out with some buddies a week ago and we had Thai food for dinner. After eating, I made my way to the crapper to pinch a loaf. Lay the ass gasket down, mount the porcelain throne and proceed about my business. The Thai food obviously had an effect on my stool, turning it into molten rock. As the fecal lava flowed from my anus it began to burn the surface of my sphincter and singe my ass hair. Upon finishing, I reach over to the massive roll of industrial toilet paper. The coarse 1 ply paper tore across my already burnt balloon knot like OJ Simpson running from the police. It felt like I was wiping my ass with something with the texture similar to a Brillo pad. Thai restaurants should have Puffs plus toilet paper...
Ain't it? I had to take a creative writing class this quarter for my general requirements. I think it paid off.
hasn't this beeen said already? [video=youtube;CYFk96OuyII]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYFk96OuyII"[/video]
Ha Ha... Good one. Reminds me of the time I was in the bathroom of the old Guangzhou airport after eating a plate of Mah Por Tofu. They should use that stuff as a colonoscopy bowel prep; damn, my pipes were never so clean, LOL...