US Healthcare Bill Passed

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by negiqboyz, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Now that the bill has gone through the tough voting, what will it means to the American people? I read and read and give up ... too many changes and I don't know what's what anymore.
  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    one thing that I like most is insurance companies no longer can deny coverage based upon existing conditions. i think it's just wrong that they only insure healthy people when the insurance company makes 100% of the premium; but, the moment you need insurance, the insurance companies drop you because they now actually have to pay out.
  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    can i ask .. what is the us health care billl .. what does it invole and include?
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Well .. I know that everyone will get coverage with the passing bill but what about the quality of care? That's just as important as getting health insurance.
  5. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    theyve been debating this crap for the pass years and months n' finally came down with a conclusion. honestly i have no clue wat exactly's in the bill but lookin at the summary this bill seems to go both ways. a yay to preexisting condition reform, most of the terms rnt gonna be effective in several yrs and the fact everyone MUST purchase an insurance otherwise a fine is just a booo, n' the friggn republicans gonna try hard to repeal it, still a longgggggg way to go, and yeah quality of the "care" is still a ?
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i don't think it's perfect; but, to be fair, it's a start. have to start somewhere; and this looks like a good start.
  7. hey i'm not sure what the bill is about but the republicans are so against it means it must be good for regular folks.
  8. my friends mom got ill and the insurance wouldnt pay out even though she was on insurance for 35 years, they used all the excuses in the book to not pay out and now that she passed away he is left with a massive bill.
  9. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    If she passed away, then the bill don't mean anything unless she has a large estates that the hospital going after to cover the bills. Normally, if she was very sick, then, the insurance has to pay. You just gotta be aggressive. My friend's son was born normal but 2 years later, the doc discovered that he's deaf. The son needs to undergo implant surgery so that he can hear again and the insurance doesn't cover the charges. My friend managed to convince the upper management to help him through emailing his coworkers, family, and friends. Thus, the upper management call the insurance and said, if ya'll don't approve the procedure, then we will discontinue our health plan with your company so yeah, his son got everything paid for.

    Basically, you just gotta be aggressive. Sometimes, it's good to talk to hospital social worker, staffs, doctors, etc to reduce the bills. Don't just let insurance handle all the claims too.
  10. When i was a kid i used to think healthcare was universal, and when i saw those hk flicks gangsters always threw money and said go see a doctor, i wondered why. Must really suck to worry about going to see a doctor not only cuz ur sick but financially too.

  11. Heres some points on the bill.

    1. Since when did the government ever have any right to dictate to us that we "must" buy something, under threat of being fined or even jailed? How would you like it if the government ordered you to buy a particular make and model car, even if you didn't want it? Well thats what they're trying to do here.

    The bill would cover illegal aliens which we can't afford. That would break our economic backs and add to doctor shortages creating very long lines for healthcare just like in Canada. I show how bad this would be via a guerilla documentary shot by an American who visited Canada to illustrate how long the lines are in their system

    3. The bill would drive many small businesses, including dietary supplement companies under by forcing an 8% payroll excise tax on companies that don't purchase medical insurance policies for employees.

    4. The bill would especially hurt dietary supplement companies by taking money out of people's pockets that they're forced to spend on government required insurance that they're now able to spend on buying dietary supplements and alternative practitioners.

    5. The bill would especially hurt alternative practitioners who aren't included in the legislation by forcing people to spend money on the legislation that they'd normally spend going to see alternative practitioners. It hands a much bigger monopoly to both Big Pharma and the AMA.

    6. The bill forces seniors into mandatory end of life counseling sessions intended to cut costs by encouraging people to go to hospices to die rather than continue receiving medical care- its genocidal.

    7. The bill puts the government in charge of private decisionmaking that should be strictly between a patient and their doctor and it centralizes everyone's medical records with the government putting them in electronic form. This is a gross invasion of privacy and is totally Orwellian. This red tape will cause many older physicians to retire adding to the doctor shortages other aspects of the bill will also cause.

    8. 11. The Tsunami of illegal aliens that would flood into the country partly to get on H.R. 3962, the "Affordable Health Care for America Act," would break our economic back, forcing us into the ruling elite desired North American Union.

    It is via this mechanism that the FDA would usher Codex restrictions in via their Trilateral Coooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico

    9. No domestic legislation can be viewed in isolation. The be seen clearly, HR 3692 must be considered against a backdrop of inernational measures with which it dovetails. Obamacare should be viewed by dietary supplement consumers as dovetailing in a dangerous way with UN Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, and the Wild Lands Project- all of which are part of a broader population control and societal control agenda pertaining to a global totalitarian state.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Hystrionics Snipped.

    He asked for "what does it involve and include?"

    Not for a list of the potential partisan ladened negatives. I just love how people can use words like genocidal and tsunami, when talking about a health care bill, LOL... It really shows where one's object purpose is at. But enough of the shrill political nay saying, for a better read check out this link:
  13. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    that sounds so much like a republican's POV, plus spell error
  14. ^ duno im not american so i dont know anything of the republican and [whoever the other groups are], but time will certainly tell when it comes into effect,
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Even the way that they characterize it, "Obamacare" has a ring of political disdain. For anyone who wants to seriously read about it, as soon as you see anything that says "Obamacare" know before you start that it is going to be a negative doom predicting republican trash talk that seeks to turn you away from the reform effort.

    The fact is, we need free public health service, just like the free police, fire, sanitation, and public education services. Years ago, Ronald Reagan, at the urging of the American Medical Association, successfully turned American opinion away from socialized medicine, equating it with a step down the road to communism. Now, after the insurance companies have since taken the dinner plate away from doctors, it's their turn to try to scare people away from a socialized medical model. Why? Because they rather not have the competition.
  16. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    i'm not really sure, but i think the adolescence age for medical coverage is expanding from age 19 till 26?
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Here are some of the other specifics on where the largest share of the money is coming from:

  18. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Wow, I'm truly happy for American citizen...
    However, they still have a long way to go to catch up to Canadian standard and maybe someday... it will be equally as awesome as Europe health care system...
  19. also, though im sure the majority are happy to do it, wont this reform result in all Americans funding abortion paid with tax dollars.
  20. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    ^ there are actually a lot of people upset with this bill and my gov professor told me that 37 states were already discussing ways to to circumvent the bill. and that was before the bill was even officially signed.