US Healthcare Bill Passed

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by negiqboyz, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. dailo8055

    dailo8055 Member

    this means more options for us all.
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    This sort of reminds of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which after passing, was the object of wholesale consternation for a lot of southern states. Many vowed to do everything that they could to get it overturned, or failing that to find loop holes to sidestep it. The bottom line is, eventually, they will all fall in line and people will see it as a good thing, even if it takes a half century. All the carping right now is really driven by people and factions that have something to lose.

    The winners of course, are 32 million uninsured Americans, and the hospitals that had to treat them at a loss. The biggest losers are the insurance companies. They have to kick up nearly $50 Billion over the next 10 years, and they won't be able to deny claims like they were doing for years.

    And THAT was really all what this was really about.

    Well, no. What this plan funds is insurance, to help people who cannot afford insurance to buy insurance.

    Private insurers (like blue cross, oxford, etc) are the ones that actually pay for the abortions. So if you say that that means then that the US is funding abortions (because the government helps the uninsured pay for insurance), then you're saying likewise that the entire American health insurance industry funds abortion. You can also make the same claim about your tax returns. ie. The government gives you tax money back; you use it to buy insurance, which then pays for an abortion; so ergo, tax returns fund abortions.

    Even a blind man can see that there is no connection between the two.

    The bottom line is, the issue is really a non issue. It is no reason why the bill should be rejected. Out of 32 million Americans getting insured for the first time, I'm sure that there are a substantial number in there who will be getting good prenatal care that they otherwise would not have been able to afford. The abortion "angle" was stoked up by the insurance companies purely to sucker in the Right to Lifers (anti-abortion people) in order to get more people to oppose the bill.

    This does nothing toward that issue. In other words, it has zero impact on abortion.

    #23 ralphrepo, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  3. ^ i have a more general understanding of the bill after reading that.... i definitely need to read more into it... thanks again ralph
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Thx Ralph ..

    I glanced over the articles and quite frankly, my concern about quality of care still remains. Having everyone covered is good but I certainly don't wanna wait in long lines for care like those in Canada. Timing is very important. I don't know how this will play out. It's good and bad but I guess it's a start. The important thing is that at least now, no one can be denied of healthcare coverage due to a preexisting health problems. Still, insurance can deny claims so yeah .. not any easier.
  5. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    therefore the two tier system is the best...
    you can either pay for the health care or get free health care. :whistling:
  6. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    There will be tons of changes and other issues involved with this Healthcare plan before it's done.
  7. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    o_O sorry but after reading every thing im still confuzzled ... xD :p sorry xD
  8. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    You know what's wrong with people complaining about the new health care system?
    The idea of capitalism + liberalism = maximization of profit + individualism..
    Problem? Yes

    Corporation wants to maximize their profit, so what do they do?
    They tell the government they need to be more competitive in the global markets. Corporation start campaign telling people that to be competitive, corporation need to decrease wages from $24/hr to $12/hr. Definitely a win for the company, but not for the workers.

    Individualism... Everyone wants their own freedom, justice, rights.
    However, what happen to the good old collectivism? Lets not even talk about equality but equity and look how mess up it is. Government create Food banks, homeless shelter for the needy while they actually really need is a real job.

    The capitalism society seriously fucked up so many other countries and eventually back to itself, massive bailout, corporation corruption. The idea of never ending cycle of spending is quite saddening. Yet, no one seem to want to get out of their comfort zone I mean, who would, when you're on the good side...
  9. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    parents can cover their children up to 26 years old in their insurance. currently it's 24 yrs.

    if you are not american and not paying the cost of healthcare; then, maybe you should not just copy and paste the untrue points that Republicans points out. You need to understand some of the points that Republicans voiced are due to political talk and games.

    no kidding ... can't wait to get there.
    the reform bill is definitely not perfect as yet. whilst I doubt the government will ever get it right all the time; i still hope this reform will be the first step towards a more comprehensive reform - lower cost, better health care and the poor doesn't have to worry about whether they will die due to lack of healthcare when they are sick.

    The republicans senators / representatives are screaming about "baby killer" and what have they ... but, do they realize how many people are dying just because they cannot afford health care insurance or even health care cost? So does that mean it's NOT OK that the bill doesn't specifically exclude abortion but it's OK that people are dying because the insurance companies dropped your ass and leave you to die when you are sick??

    btw, I'm an independent ...
    #30 ab289, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    You know, what's so funny about his comments are that you can see that he is so obviously anti-abortion, that he is willing to side with anything, regardless of what it is, so long as it says it is also anti-abortion. This is exactly the kind of unthinking lemming like behavior that republicans in the US have been using to put themselves into office for years. They count on people who are either too ignorant or lazy (or both) to really know about the issues; but who nonetheless will reflexively respond to hot button sound bites. This is how republicans have been able to keep themselves in political power.

    I've always said that the Bostonian republicans needed the Hillbilly republicans for political power. That is, the rich Yale or Harvard educated bankers, rely on the ignorant deep south and their love of God and Country to stay in office. Any time a republican needs something, he shouts, "God!" or "Country" and the unthinking Hillbillies will rally to his side. Ever since Roe v Wade, now he's added, "Abortion!" to that vocabulary.

    And now it seems that the Bostonian republicans have found more allies of ignorance in people who aren't even Americans, LOL...

    Politics; gotta love it.

  11. hmm lol im not gona get drawn into this, even with the name calling and seeing you act as if you know me...i still cant be bothered, ive seen these threads already in the Chinese section which resulted in you whining to the mods cus someone was being rude to you and i can see why he did it if this is how you talk to/about people, i don't intend in having my peace disturbed, so ill leave it there and see what happens when the time comes.

  12. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    no thank you .. the last thing i want is our healthcare sys is as fucked up as the canadian's. lower cost .. yeah .. not necessarily better health care.

    i expect a lot more changes to the bills especially safeguards in place to ensure quality of care is a priority over cost.
  13. we know already know who the republicans on this board are ;)
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Here is a list of the time table for specific portions of the bill and when they will take effect:

    #35 ralphrepo, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2010
  15. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    really? my parents last checked with our insurer (healthy families) and they said 19.
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    Chalk up another winner under the Obama Healthcare Reform plan.

  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i read that obama signed the bill but then i saw the news that said the senate is still working on it and the republican is suing .. so exactly when will things be effective? anyone following??
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Here's some articles that explains it pretty well:

    GOP desperate to roll it back at all cost, becomes obstructionist: :facepalm:

    Little legal chance of challenges though: -innocent2

    Wall street sees the bill as favorable: :yes:

    And Remember, it had nothing to do with Abortion: -rolleyes

    As for when everything becomes effective, look at the timetable that I'd posted earlier ;)
  19. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I don't have children yet; but, according to my director (he is on PacificCare), his daughter is 21 and she is still under his insurance. That's where I came up with the number 24 - from my director.

    As for the age under the new health care reform,
    hope that helps. read up and stop listening to scare tactics by the Republicans. specifically,
    "The idea that we have such a violent debate so that the poor are not left on the streets without a cent when they are sick ... Excuse me, but we've solved this problem more than 50 years ago (in France)." and
    "If you come to France and you feel sick on the street we won't ask for your credit card before admitting you into a hospital," he said.