Done ... again. I was just curious if it was someone from PA since I hang around here more than other places .. lol
Ya, I already said. It's someone it this forum, I've seen that name before. You can ask him, why he wants to add you on msn.
I've seen him on this forum before. His display picture is "Ash" the guy from "Pokemon". lol headbang2
PA - Entertainment Destination - View Profile: weiyuezz@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: weiyuezz</title>@@AMEPARAM@@weiyuezz Wrong, not the same name
I don't get why you want to know so badly. How are you even sure its someone from PA :S just ignore it and get on with your life?
I sometimes get random people adding me too -_- Turned out it was those whores that want to have cam time with you on their website.
just out of curiosity since s/he tried so hard to add me .. lol why i think it's on PA .. well .. i was active here and some of my comments maybe offensive or what not so who know ... lol .. the fun part is that since this thread .. nothing further