Digital horse is a galloping success!

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by master_g, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    ‘World of Warcraft’ is an online role-playing phenomenon, which boasts some 10 million active users and is thought to generate upwards of $1billion in revenues each year. Those are some stunning statistics for starters, but we’re more impressed to see Warcraft gamers queuing up in their thousands to spend real money on what amounts to a pretend horse...

    $25 (£16, or thereabouts) buys you the ‘Celestial Steed’. It’s a spectacular beastie too, with a large wing-span and jewel-encrusted armour. This star-spangled warhorse also allows users to travel between locations with greater speed and, we guess, more stylishly. It can even fly too. Other than that, it’s practically no different to other horses within the game – aside from a magical ability to make your hard-earned cash disappear, that is.

    Not that such trifling monetary matters are a concern for ‘World of Warcraft’’s legions of fans. The virtual queue to buy the Celestial Steed, or a new robotic sidekick called ‘Lil’ XT’ (a snip at $10), apparently exceeded 80,000 gamers at one point yesterday. A Warcraft blogger translated that into revenues of half a million dollars per hour for the game’s publishers, Blizzard.
  2. everyone is gona buy it and the mount is gona be as common as a green, what a waste of money.
  3. jesus..... maybe i need to establish a video game company....
  4. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

  5. lil_asian_heart

    lil_asian_heart Well-Known Member

    sorry呀!我迫不得而先post呢個嫁; 唔好睇呢段野呀!!!!!驚人大發現睇完千萬唔好試...睇完千萬唔好試...睇完千萬唔好試...有很多人在網上不同的論壇上打"不要在youtube搜索LATUALATUKA"你們可知道LATUALATUKA的意思是什麼嗎?有一個有關 LATUALATUKA的信息內容大概如下:於 一九四五年,一位非藉少女名KatuLataKulu, 乘坐一艘灰色小船由非洲漂遊到美國,一位神秘男人殺死了她,而且在背脊割了"LATUALATUKA"幾個字母。一星期後,這消息傳到亞洲。現在,你已看完這篇訊息,她會在一星期後飄到家中奪取你最重要的家人性命。現在你已看完這篇訊息, 她會在一星期後飄到你家中奪取你最重要的家人性...⋯⋯..................命。解咒方法只有完成以下指示:將此訊息貼在其他三個留言版的回應內