Hey everyone! I would like to make a video for my mother for mother's day using window's movie maker. I used Keepvid.com to download youtube videos but I have a few problems. 1. Windows movie maker can't open the video. How do I convert the mp4 to wmv? 2. How do I remove the audio from the youtube videos I downloaded? I only want to add the clips into the movie. Thank you for your time!
Well, you can use a program called YAMB to demux mp4 files, which will break the file down to subs, audio, video. As to why you need WMV I have no clue but something like WinAVI should do the trick.
1. Demux using Yamb as Jelly said 2. Import demuxed RAW Video file into Windows Movie Maker 3. Save as .wmv 4. ??? 5. ??? 6. PROFIT
since it's WMV.. which Windows Media Player CAN open hopefully, i think you can cut it there. Unless if its an mp4, use VirtualDub. Need a couple of plugin though. VirtualDub can open a wide variety of extension.. but not WMV i think. Not sure, i never have files in WMV. But you can give VirtualDub a try if it's an mp4. You just need a plugin and Quicktime 7.
When I use YAMB to demux the mp4, it finishes within a second but the finished product is still with sound... What am I doing wrong?