Netizens Criticize TVB Series 'Mysteries of Love' Copying Japanese Drama 'Galileo'

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by KaY_xD, May 25, 2010.

  1. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    Source: Oriental Daily
    Translated by: KAY

    Although TVB's new series "Mysteries of Love" already said they're the Hong Kong version of Japanese drama "Galileo," and producer Lau Ka Ho expressed they're not worried of being accused copying, but after first episode was broadcast, netizens discussed it lively. Some netizens left comments on pointing out the plot, characters, occupations, character relationships, even the setting design are very alike to "Galileo." They accused TVB copying, and some said already complained to Broadcasting Authority. But until last night, Broadcasting Authority expressed they didn't receive any complain regarding to "Mysteries of Love."

    Looking at the first episode of this new series, it really is similar to "Galileo." Raymond Lam, who plays a genius physicist, has the same occupation as Fukuyama Masaharu in "Galileo." Tavia Yeung is just like Shibasaki Kou in the Japanese drama, who plays a rookie police. But the most stunning thing is the lab Raymond stays at all the time, it's 90% alike to the one in "Galileo," not to mention the blackboard full of formulas. Even Japanese Yahoo reported "Mysteries of Love" is copying "Galileo." Some Japanese netizens commented, pointing out Chinese copying is a common occurrence.

    Although being accused of copying, but its first episode has ratings of 32 points. As for the critisicm, TVB external affairs assistant director Tseng Shing Ming replied: "We would respect netizens' opinions. Plot development took references from many other dramas, not only Japanese dramas. In fact many dramas are similar to each other, 'Mysteries of Love' aired only 1 [2] episodes, don't make judgments this fast."
  2. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    Kaoru Utsumi = Taiva Yeung
    Manabu Yukawa = Raymond Lam
    Shunpei Kusanagi = Kenneth Ma

    Kaoru is a rookie detective who has just been reassigned to the criminal division.
    Tavia Yeung is just the same in episode 1......

    Kaoru seeks help from an associate profession at Teito University, Manabu Yukawa. Manabu is a handsome and brilliant scientist who is interested in nothing but physics.
    Raymond Lam is the handsome scientist & assosiate professor in xxxx university..

    Manabu and Shunpei Kusanagi are college buddies.
    Raymond and Kenneth Ma are good buddies in middle school x______x

    Romance between Kaoru & Manabu
    <3 between Tavia & Raymond...

    Kaoru always seeks help from Manabu, Manabu helps solve cases using his knowledge in physics
    no need to explain right? it's the same

    give some credits to keigo higashino if you're saying ur the HK version!!!!!!!!!! its too much of a copycat start for the series, and i personally think Fukayama's a hotter professor than Raymond XD
  3. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I dont care who copy who just as long as it is not boring fine with me. All the series will have some same plot or design here and there nothing unusual about it.
  4. lovetvb

    lovetvb Well-Known Member

    Exactly, this series is alright so far compare other shitty boring drama...Plus , most people don't watch Japanese's drama, so it doesn't matter if it is copy cat or not
  5. van22

    van22 Well-Known Member

  6. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    oh shit 32 points ? :D

    I dont care if this series is being copied. I still love the series as much as the cast!
  7. missdiorcherie

    missdiorcherie Well-Known Member

    I don't care because i don't watch japanese drama !!
  8. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Everyone knew it was copied but we don't care, as long as it's good.
  9. moranna

    moranna Well-Known Member

    No big deal, it's not the first or last time , tvb have very few ideas of their own.
  10. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    this series is getting better by the second. Thank god TVB finally stop making these dumb comedic series for now..............
  11. xhikarux

    xhikarux Guest

    before it was made, tvb already announced the inspiration was from the japanese drama. so we expect similarities, why are netizens so stupid, its not like tvb did say anything and just copied.
  12. Paranoidandroid

    Paranoidandroid Well-Known Member

    These 'news' articles are getting dumber by year
  13. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    If anything hasn't been copy... then that must be some fucked up shit we haven't seen in our life... and that shit ain't good
  14. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    i don't care whether TVB copy the Japanese Galileo. eventhough it is only episode 3 so far, i enjoy this series very much. i hope the ratings will peak even higher as the episodes go by.
  15. melody4201

    melody4201 Active Member

    I just recently watched the jap version.. same characters... however... personalities are different... raymond seems shy in this series and doesn't look like a scientist comparing the jap version..

    maybe it's just me.. what do you think??? =)
  16. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    this series is just great !! and lam fung too!! :3
    hes driving my dream car !!!