Gaming Magazine Subscription $5 on Amazon

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by fearless_fx, May 30, 2010.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer!fcMAall-?ie=UTF8&docId=1000492081&pf_rd_p=441937801&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1XYHJCSKEA6BR3K8P944

    Basically a give-away.

    For Americans this would be the no-brainer time to order a gaming mag. For Canadians you will observe the "only ships in the U.S." disclaimer. Well, despair no longer my friends.

    As long as you have a temporary American address you can use, you too can get this deal! (I hope.)

    You can order a magazine subscription, or all of them, and then go to the respective company's website after the order (24 hours to 1 month for processing apparently) and then change your address to your real Canadian address.

    I ordered PC Gaming Mag to my uncle's address in Rosemead CA and will see if I can't get it changed sometime this week. As I haven't tried this kind of thing before, I can't say for 100% that it works, however I don't see any reason why it wouldn't, and for $5, risk is low.

    Below is a link to access various magazine address change websites (or you can just google)

    Main ones

    Official Xbox Magazine

    Nintendo Power

    PC Gamer

    Playstation The Official Magazine
  2. Deals & Steals

    not sure if i would buy mags again, used to buy a lot befoe i had the net though
  3. nice find, gaming mags often cover unadvertised games... or at least let you know what games are in the near future.
  4. if not.. you could use it make origami..

    I remember they had maxim for $5 and playboy for like $10.. that was awhile ago though..
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Maxim is like 10 and playboy is like 15 now. Subscriptions are way more expensive in Canada. Using this method to order to a US address and then change it to forward on to a Canadian address seems brilliant.
  6. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    buying magazines is a waste of money, many ebook sites offer these in PDFs for free
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I like the convenience and simplicity of being able to hold an actual magazine or book sometimes vs reading off a computer screen. 5 dollars for this luxury is not that significant. So sue me.

    You can pirate anything for free on the internet if you really want to.

    If you have no constructive input then don't bother posting dude.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Right, I'm sure that Canucks have been enjoying US magazines at cut rate shipping like this for years... NOT.

    Wait until the Canadian postal service charges you Postage Due for each monthly copy because it was shipped from the US with insufficient postage. That's provided that it even gets there. Alternatively, if the US Postal Service does not find enough postage on a magazine, many times it may just rip the cover off (with your address) and mail just that portion back to the sender, notifying them of insufficient postage. If the sender does not pay the difference, the item is either destroyed or auctioned off as abandoned property at the discretion of the USPS.
  9. lmao.. or he could wait a year and read them all at once..
  10. setshiro

    setshiro Well-Known Member

    lol lots of people just go into gamestop/eb games and read the game informer for free every fact we just give people the next month's to read too since no one will buy them. or they go across the street to indigo and read for free
  11. yeah mags aint so popular nowadays, if you like the feeling of reading them then fine, i probably bought a maxpower mag about 5 years ago, internet has taken over now. i would never buy a gaming mag, for me thats just throwing your money down the drain. i just go gametrailers.

    if your one of those people who sit on the bog for a long time then maybe you'll need a mag :whistling:
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    You pose an interesting conundrum.

    Both my parents work for Canada Post so i'll ask what policy is for magazines/mail that is sent without enough postage. I'm assuming that it will just be returned to the sender in such a case, probably by USPS.

    The thing is though that if someone has a US subscription and moves to Canada and has already paid in advance, by not delivering said items the Magazine company would put itself in a pretty precarious legal position to be sued.

    Also, for these magazines, they are not unique to the United States, you can buy them on the shelf and by subscription in Canada. I suspect it is possible they might even have a Canadian distributor. If such is the case then my subscription might just be forwarded on to their Canadian delivery location?

    From what I have researched, this is actually quite common to use the method of buying a subscription at a US rate and then changing the address.

    If it works without a hitch i'll be sure to give you the heads up in 6 weeks or so. If not then i'll be out $5. To reiterate: risk is low; even if i suffer a total loss of my investment i won't be particularly saddened.
  13. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... Interesting, but IMHO, doubtful legal reasoning. By changing one's address, one already altered the conditions of the original agreement, meaning that any subsequent claim position has no legal basis to rely on. That is, they promised to deliver a magazine (once a month) to a US address. They performed that act faithfully. YOU were no longer there to receive the promised delivery; ie. you failed in your part of the original agreement, not them.

    As for being in a precarious legal position to be sued; one does not have to be in a precarious position. One can actually be in a very strong legal position AND still be sued. The decision to sue anyone resides solely with a plaintiff. Whether the plaintiff legally prevails in a court of law is an entirely different story (and what I believe is what you meant, even though I think your reasoning is wrong).

    Regardless, good luck. If it works it would be great, though I doubt it that something like that would ever see the light of day.

    On the other note, having a real paper magazine at times is actually much better than either a tablet or laptop (think about being in the shitter, LOL...) Also, sitting on the subway, you're less afraid that some big ugly idiot is going to snatch the thing out of your hands and walk off with it.
    #13 ralphrepo, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
  14. lol, say someone subscribed at the full price of the magazine.. $120/annually... Their choice of moving is contingent on a magazine subscription? Sounds like a pretty unreasonable condition to me.. It is the purchaser's choice to move to Canada, and it is the vendor's responsibility to uphold their end of the deal, by providing the purchaser with the merchandise. If the vendor decides not to provide the merchandise in which the customer paid in full, that in of itself is grounds for a lawsuit for theft.

    According to Amazon's Conditions of Use:
    They will be violating their own terms if they choose not to uphold this statement.

    The freedom to change an address is not legally sound enough to be considered as an "alteration of the original agreement". If this was not the case, the function to change the address on would not have been implemented in the site, as the vendor would specifically state that "any change in addresses would result in a termination of the subscription".

    Extract from's Conditions of Use:
    Anyways, I'm no legal expert, I just find it fun to dig these things up........ much more fun than programming lol

  15. [​IMG]

    if your constipated or in a worst case scenario you got 'Piles' then a mag beats the internet.
  16. i don't know about you, but when im constipated, reading and comprehending what you read would be quite difficult. also, i don't know where you washroom is located, but my washroom has wifi, which means it is possible to watch youtube videos, thus taking your attention away from your constipation

    ipad wins in this case lol
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but you can't tear off pieces of the Ipad to use as Toilet paper in an emergency... -cool

    Also, if you look at this link: which PCGamer can be subscribed to, one will notice that there is a menu choice for final delivery destination. Notice that price differences between the various choices. The magazine for a US address is $19.95, while a Canadian address is $57.95, and for other international address its $68.95, almost 4 times that of the US address price.

    Now anyone can see that the main issue here is international postage. Hence, if you change the terms of your subscription mid service, then the fairest thing for the publisher to do is to change your subscription to one for Canadian or international service (whichever applies). In other words, while your regular subscription price may entitle you to 12 magazines; by moving to Canada, they will ship you only what you paid for, that is, 4 magazines. Another way of treating this as fair as possible towards the customer is to stop the subscription and refund the remainder of the paid cost. But, another publisher may just take the attitude of "so what? Go ahead and sue us, we don't care. Either way, you're going to be out your 19 bucks for trying to be slick because you knew you lived in Canada in the first place."

    If you live in Canada, just pay the shipping instead of trying to find ways around it. It's not worth the headache if you really like the magazine and want to get the thing in a reliable fashion.

    Yeah, but anything electronic is not green. You're burning fossil fuels just to read; electrons just don't appear out of thin air. They're piped into your home from the local power company. PDF files may be free, but they waste your paid for electricity every time you access it; it may be small, but there is a cost. Also, according to PCGamer, their site and on line issues differ from their printed issues in terms of content and timeliness.
    #17 ralphrepo, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
  18. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    hmm just a minor update, i changed the address on file with PC gamer mag last night and it processed fine today and the website is now showing my Canadian address rather than my uncle's US address. Next update will come in ~5 weeks or so if I receive or don't receive my first issue :p

    also, I don't disagree with you about the US/CDN postage thing Ralph. The only thing is, to my knowledge PC Gamer Mag would not have my credit card on file as I bought it through amazon and not directly from the magazine company. Meaning that they would have to bill me through Canada post or just not send me my subscription...

    There is more to it than just postage though, if you ever look at a Magazine or book in Canada, the Canadian prices are usually 15-30% more than the US list price. There are probably many reasons for this, and most of them are probably bullshit. I would gladly pay an additional $10 a year to cover postage for my subscription, raising the price from 5 to 15, however buying a magazine subscription in Canada carries more things than just postage, it also carries that extra "Lets screw over Canada" premium that grinds my gears.
    #18 fearless_fx, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
  19. lol this supposed great deal on a magazine subscription has turned into Ace Attorney..
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer
