lol alright.. I want that bull mount! time to keep grindin! Also, Double XP this weekend for Uncharted 2! xp capped at 150k this time.. i think..
lmao bull is like legendary 1 lvl 50 right . damn a big posse without mic = chaos. lol i hate it when random mofos shoot me outta nowhere then i'll have to chase their ass and kill them till they quit what goes around comes around. btw sorry about that dynamite hahaha, that session was pretty glitched the enemies spawned inside of the mountain at the mines i was like wtf cant see who was shooting at me. really want to unlock that damn mauser pistol that shit owns in single player.
lol I was usin' the masuer pistol.. whippin' power for days... blew my ass up twice! first time I planted bomb right after you though.. and animation took so long.. when I was done.. yours set off already lol I saw you n that kept going back n forth I was like.. i'll move on hahah... Free-roam is alright.. but I like playing capture the bags of money.. I think we can hunt legendary animals on free-roam right?
^yea i just slayed lobo the wolf mother fucker took like a full clip outta my semi. did you jack that mauser or what lol cause you get that like lvl 40 or something i think.
not surprised.. you were on that the whole day.. lol finally got around to GoW3 huh.. damn while I was getting dystardly.. some stupid guy ask me to save his wife from a hanging.. ran straight into the moving train.. lol
lol, but i still haven't played gow 2 haha. anyways some max payne shit at the end. lol yea those damn random encounters, shit like that always happened in tall trees.
max payne? on gow? I never finished max payne.. remember they had the matrix kung fu mod for pc.. shit was pretty dope lol... Damn you should have gotten the collection.. Gow 1 n 2. Oh but then there's a slight recap. I really do hope they release Shadow of Colossus in HD.
played L4D2!that was so cool,killing zombies after the exams!! I was imagining my lecturers as the zombies while shooting them,hahaha
fallout 3, limited compared to oblivion. is it me or am i seeing red everytime after i play this game lol weird.
completed heavy rain ... SOOO AMAIZNG !!!! been kiiling out ssf4 !! mod nation racer is ... meeehhh .... too much loading .. liek lpb which piss me off