HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. JoeyMan

    JoeyMan Member

    My problem is with the mms link for TVB music channel. [​IMG]
    I can play the link with smooth playback. But after about 3.17 minutes the bandwidth change from 1800kbps to 4kbs and it just stop streaming video. Do any of you guy have this problem with ONLY TVB music channel?
  2. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    I believe this problem is with all the links. Are you saying that other links don't switch to a lower kbps (even after 6 minutes or so) ???
  3. Butter

    Butter New Member

    sop:// This is not TVB Jade anymore :(

    It's something like Asia TV or something like that
  4. goofnerd

    goofnerd Well-Known Member

    just watch sop:// that is taped. but works good for now
    atv is not so bad at all. some series is ok. ( korean / chinese )

    i tried several stream also . that is not a p2p working method. So really depend on a server, where everyone take it down.
    Thats giving the upload a hardtime to serve the needs.
    i think its always lost stream after a while is because the prerecorded stream run out and need to taped again on the server
    then when u pick it up again u get another packet of recorded content

    i trying to search for new sopcast address is hard cause the forum is down from sopcast.
  5. alchow00

    alchow00 New Member

    Thanks guys for sharing all these links. You are AWESOME!!!!
  6. Kenny_8

    Kenny_8 Well-Known Member

    I got windows xp sp2 and wmp 11 (pls don't ask me to update to sp3 because i had several problems with my graphics card after updating)
  7. kit888

    kit888 Member

    Hopefully soon a new Sopcast link will be back, because I really miss TVB. Good work! Thanks
  8. newnewcomputer

    newnewcomputer New Member

    Wow I didnt check on this thread for two weeks -boat and there have been a TON of new links -rockon

    Phantoman - the new links are on which has a discussion forum named i3tv which has a link to So u r correct in ur guess about where they come from. i followed the same $37 link (its funny how they generated the order number FIRST before getting your payment info!)

    Did u get to the same screen below? i clicked through and get if ur prepaid CC was not accepted there, then problem was on the other end. I googled the payment site and it seems legitimate enough: VISA and Master card have qualified them. But even the CC info is safe, there is still the question of what kind of service u can get from The forum I saw were people having troubles with their paid 3tv account n i didnt see any open reply (they may have been private messages.)

    for now, ATV on sopcast is still working for me n i will watch TVB on the links for as long as they last -woot2

    Attached Files:

  9. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member


    I subscribed to 3tv almost 3 years ago for the same price of $37. It is a legitimate service. I live in the US, so I had to pay through the 3tv English website which goes to the Sharebank website. I had the same problem as you did when trying to pay. I didn't know how to pay using my Visa Credit Card because it wouldn't accept it. But I eventually figured out that I first had to register my card with Visa under their "Verified" program. I had to go the website: . Visa gave me another passcode so that I can use it at the 3tv. It is just another layer of protection that Visa has whenever I use my card online to purchase anything. I am sure if you are using your Mastercard, you need to register your card with them for the "securecode". You can go to
    to get your securecode to use online. The 3tv Sharebank website uses Verisign, which is the largest online payment processor in the US.

    I guess I got my money's worth using 3tv for 3 years for $37, and still using it. I can tell you that they have almost every channel from Hong Kong.....all the iCable channels, most of the TVB channels, and all the ATV channels. They also have EVERY channel from China if you are interested. The program uses DRM, so you need to login first before watching them. The quality is not as good as Sopcast, but they are pretty reliable. Each channel has about 6 servers to choose from, so you can choose the server that is fastest for you. I prefer to watch TVB using Sopcast, but they are always taken down. Do not expect the TVB channels on Sopcast to come back if they are taken down because if they are being transmitted from HK, the HK government and TVB will take down the server because it is illegal. If TVB is being uploaded from China, it is alright because China is not very strict on copyright.

    Phantom, let me know if you still have problems paying for the 3tv subscription. I can help you out. If you want, I can show you some of the channels ftom 3tv that are available.

    I checked out the website and it looks pretty good. I guess the channels on the webiste are only "samples" of what you get if you download their program and pay for them. This is why the channels are only shown for 5 minutes before being reset. Has anyone downloaded the tvbj2 program and paid for their subscription? How is the quality on the program? I wouldn't mind paying for it as a backup if it is not too expensive.
  10. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    @hawai how did u pay with visa...which payment method u chose? ive tried all and most of them directs me to chinese banks which i dnt have account with. I live in Aust and have a VISA with ANZ bank...but cannot figure out how to pay with VISA
  11. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    @hawai and newnewcomputer: Thanks for the information. Unfortunately the Virtual Credit Card and Debit Card (both MasterCard) from Neteller do not have SecureCode. My main Credit Card does have SecureCode, but there is no way I am going to use that on that site. Back in the days (when I was young) I used to "borrow" CC details from people myself which were very easily accessible from the Internet, so I became a bit paranoid in that regards :) I'm sure things are more secure nowadays, but I won't take my chances on these kind of sites.

    @derka-derka: , then select the only English option ("Buy Now"). You will then get to the screen that newnewcomputer shows in the previous post, where you can then select your credit card (Visa) etc.

    So guys, does this site have a similar payment page like ? Assuming they are from the same provider.
  12. JoeyFan3000

    JoeyFan3000 Active Member

    which one should be better? or

    i would like to pay the $37.. but it failed >.<...
  13. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member


    You have to register your card first before you can even pay. If you don't do this, it will not accept your payment.
    If you have a Visa card, you need to go to the Visa website or .
    If you have a Mastercard, you need to go to the Mastercard website or .

    I have only seen the channels on the website, but did not download the program yet. Has anyone downloaded the program yet? What is the quality of the channels?
  14. heylisten

    heylisten New Member

    Thank you. great links!
  15. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    TVB Jade now working on mms:// and TVB J2 now working on mms:// One can stream two channels on SopCast TVB with my account because TVB Jade and J2 are in Perfect Signal
    account of me: [HIDE] [/HIDE]and password: [HIDE]windows[/HIDE] . Thank all for stream.
    #455 boy7404, Jun 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  16. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I think it's better if you put this type of information between HIDE tags, otherwise everybody on the Internet can use your account.
  17. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    Thank you.I have set hide account sopcast
    Right now you can stream TVB Jade that I post here with an account of me.Link sop of me sop:// can not stream because my line is 256k/s.Thank Phantoman for stream.
  18. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Am I doing something wrong here? None of the channels Boy just posted are working for me. Help please.
  19. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    I cannot share via Sopcast, it will kill my download (known issue for ADSL) even though I have 1Mbps upload speed.

    Working just fine as I type right now. So they are not working for you, but how ? Error message ???
  20. goofnerd

    goofnerd Well-Known Member
