How to avoid your ex gf in public

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by iluvlothor, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. iluvlothor

    iluvlothor Active Member

    I used to date this girl for about a year, then things started coming up (fights, why do I call her so much, she cheated on me, etc) and we ended our relationship. So now I have a question, if I see her in public or in my school, can I just pretend she doesn't exist and just move along? I mean like if I see her, I just don't want to say hi. So has this happen to you guys? You see your ex, and what did you do? Keep in mind that she cheated on me.
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    idk... depends if it's a mutual break up...
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I make it look like I dumped her for the fun of it
  4. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    She cheated on you? That sucks...

    If you still have feelings for her then try not to talk or hang out with her that much, especially since she cheated on you. You'll just make things worse and make it harder to get over her.

    You can still be friends with her, but first you'll probably need some time away from her and kind of break contact with her. But you don't need to ignore her in the hallways or anything, say hi or w/e =\

    All in all, whether you hate her or still have feelings for her, you should spend some time away from her. Let your head clear up and decide what will happen after that. Hang with friends or something.
  5. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    anything is doable... i'm sure u can ignore and not talk to her
    it's all about what u feel

    sometimes, its easier if u just let things be... if she talks to u, talk to her
    otherwise u don't have to do much
    just do as u feel =)
  6. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Just pretend she's not there. Life goes on.
  7. She cheated on you, how did you find out?

    Things would have been a bit different with me, all i can say is the score would be even, she would know through seeing it, and i would not feel any bit sad about it. I would be more mad than sad, honestly.

    So for me, i would take the opportunity to say Hi, how are you and say it sounding like a smug a-hole about it.

    I guess you could just ignore her..... if that is best for you to deal with......
  8. rax_7

    rax_7 Well-Known Member

    No say hi at least when you see her. even you two are not couple anymore but can still be friends.

    So be a man. dont be mean, be generous. go tell her that you can still be normal friends. no need to hate each other forever. 男子汉大丈夫应该宽宏大量:punk:
    #8 rax_7, Jun 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  9. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ^ What happens if he doesn't know chinese?
  10. iluvlothor

    iluvlothor Active Member

    Don't worry, I'm taiwanese :)
  11. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    I don't see why there would be a problem with you ignoring her? lol
  12. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    murder her!
  13. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Everyone and every situation are different .. there's no one solution when it comes to relationship. The bottom line is to do what you feel comfortable.

    If you're the carefree type who don't care what others think of you, then ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist. If you're the mature and cool kind, then say hi and move on.

    Life goes on; whatever happened is now in the past; ignoring or holding the grudge doesn't hurt her; it only showed that you're still harboring feelings for her and the only one suffering is really you. Saying hello and move on .. kinda gives off the sense of a mature gentleman and you're so over her .. Again, don't do what we said here .. do what you're comfortable. No need to act tough or mature ... be yourself. If you're gotta lash out or whatever, do so .. holding it in will leads to depression. Not worth it.
  14. nycill

    nycill Member

    i am having the problem right now. just broke up with my girlfriend of 8 years. she wants to stay and touch blah blah blah but i have feelings for her and i cant bear to see her with another man. i am taking the avoiding/ignoring her until i find another and move on .