how can you blame the adoption agency for this. im assuming they did proper screening for parents like most adoption agencies. but these are isolated incidences where you have dumbass couples who think they can just trial and error a kid to see if they love them. it's the "parents" responsibility to stick with them and love them unconditionally like if it was there own child. and if they cant do that why adopt in first place. wow blaming an organization trying to do something orphans a home and couples who cant conceive a child an opportunity to have a kid. im sure if they didnt do proper screening you would have more stories coming from this agency and they would be shut down. all the blame should be on the parents. the girl is probably going to have trust issues with everyone around her when she grows up...all thanks to the adoption agency...right?
damn this shit is cold, freaking unresponsible people these days and it's not like they raised her for a short time either this is soo primitive.
ASSHOLES!!! fucking bastards. that is just sooo wrong!!! using the whole "she doesn't eat the food" as a fucking excuse?! it's not like u just got the child and are facing problems now. its been 7 effin years!!! these a-holes are gonna find that karma is a bitch. their own biological child is gonna have 3 eyes or something.
thats a pretty messed up statement man... how do you expect an adoption agency to measure the love a couple will have for a child? adoption agencies look at economic factors and how well the child will be cared for in terms of practical things like being fed and clothed. If a rich diplomat comes in to your agency and wants to adopt a child it looks like a godsend for the kid. no one is going to be like 'hmm, this person doesn't seem very loving, i guess we should keep the kid here in our complex with 500 other orphans, the kid's life will be much better here". i dunno what perfect world you live in...
OMG! what kind of dumb excuse is that??? Poor girl...How can people be so heartless...Gets me angry! Grrr...
i agree theres no such thing as a perfect can't look through a person completely even if you are psychic, i mean they probably wouldn't change if they were not having a kid so the adoption agency couldn't have known. the world would definitely be a worst place if there were not adoption agency at all so it's definitely not their fault. also the screening process... the parents could have a good behavioral history and all and behave within the 7 years, but look right after 7 years they can change.
err ... I think i hit a nerve here. -ann lol. anyways, i do not disagree that the parent are heavily responsible for this unfortunate event. however, personally, (if i was the head of the adoption agency) i would feel responsible for this event, as well. i can understand that "love" cannot be measured -- however, it can be seen through actions and relational dynamics. through time, (in this case) seven years, the parents grew out of love for the child. could the agency have stop this from happening? possibly. i do think, that the parent meant no harm for the child. so, if the agency intervene or conducted a continual relationship with the adopted parents and the child (which is administer in the states) -- then possibly they could have pick up the hints that this adoption was over the parents' ability to hold and cherish. therefore, most importantly, protecting the child from this type of abandonment. mainly, it is my concern, that an adopted child should not hurt (physically or emotionally) during the process of adoption. since, it is the agency and the parent, whom are the MATURE actors in this agreement -- they, both, are responsible for the welfare and safety of the child being adopted.
I think stuff like this can happen any time, i mean people can change at a split second so no matter how close they follow them this can still happen and also they have to spend most of their time caring for the new children that are put up for adoption. also abandonment is abandonment, no matter if they took more time or not. And i think the parents ment no harm for the children is like if a kid was to shoot a person in the head but he meant no harm cause he doesn't know about death, that's the kinda irresponsibility they have. I think their birth parents have already violated this rule by putting them up for adoption. and this is not during the process of adoption, this happened post-adoption. and there's really no way to prevent this though even if i said earlier about how they were more cruel because the time they took to finally give up this child, i think adopted children are bound to go through the pain of being abandoned anyways but yea these parents are cruel as hell for raising the kid as a child and abandoning her just because they felt like it. All in all the adoption center can't be at fault unless they knew about the parents behavior and bad history and still gave the kid up for adoption.
first of all, how is anyone, let alone an adoption agency supposed to CLEARLY AND WITHOUT DOUBT say a certain person truly says what is in their minds? no one and i mean NO ONE on this planet knows what the other person is truly thinking or feeling. we live in a world where we know what accepted and "proper" behaviour is. case in point, look at all the messed up foster homes in this world. i'm sure there is a screening process for foster parents as well and we still hear about the horrible abuses that orphans go thru. ever been in the real world? i'm sure there has been a time in ur life when someone has made u sooo angry that all u wanna do is give them a piece of ur mind, or even in extreme terms, beat the shit out of them. but u didn't. why? because it is not socially accepted. so when it comes to this couple, they know the only way they will be granted a child is to act like they are loving, caring people who will give this child all the love that he/she deserves. second of all, u thank God that this disinterest occured between the adopter and adoptee because there was no death or abuse that occured. but tell me, the psychological and emotional damage that this couple has caused on this child is not as good as physical harm or albeit death? she is 7 years old. she is old enough to understand and comprehend what is happening. she knows, "my parents don't want me anymore" or even worse, "i'm such a bad person that my parents just like my biological parents don't want me". so tell me, how is this any better. physical harm will heal. bruises will fade. how does anyone rebuild from this kind of emotional damage? and on top of it, she is korean but does not speak the language. if she gets sent back to korea, the isolation she is gonna feel is just gonna add on top of being thrown away from her parents. so u should go tell this poor child, "at least they didn't hit u". if i were that child, i would have rather they killed me then put me in this kind of personal misery that will live with her for the rest of her life.
it was selcricify who casted resurrect... but since i never replied to this thread....... i think it is also pretty fucked up, I mean it's not wrong to love your own kids more than an adopted one. It's the mutual love parent's have for their kids, (normal people anyways), but to just up and ditch a child after 7 years of care is just downright obscene.
dam, a 100000 year old thread...... On the other hand, i could see where they came from. I guess they dont have the luxuries to take care of both so, regretfully, one must be sent away. I meant, these things even happened with related blood, so let along this. But still, it was effed up.