HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. JoeyFan3000

    JoeyFan3000 Active Member

    3TV have a lot of Channels.. but for the HK channels like: TVBN, J2, HDTVB is not stable. the first minute is stable, but after one or 3 minute you will get lagg screen.
    and I can not connect the channels everytime.. sometimes I need to click few times to connect.

    @ Boy7404...
    your picture I can see directly TVBN, J2, HDTVB,,, but on the VIP account ($37) you can;t see the TVBN, J2, HDTVB... only the 13-3, 13-5 :(
  2. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member



    Wow!!! That is a pretty nice video card!!!
    Yes....connect a video cable (HDMI, s-video, dvi, or vga) from your video card to your TV. If you have the ATI Catalyst Control Center already, open it. If you do not have this, just download the driver with the ATI Catalyst Control Center for your video card from the ATI website.

    Open the ATI Catalyst Control Center. You can open it by right-clicking your desktop. Once you open the Catalyst Control Center, make sure you view it in "Advanced View".
    Follow the following 2 steps:

    1. On the Graphics Settings, click on "Display Manager". Under "Display Manager" , click on "Display Properties". You can now see 2 boxes. The first box called "Main" is your monitor. The second box is called "Clone", which is empty. In the section "Attached Displays Currently Disabled" is your TV. Drag your TV up to the "Clone" box, and then select "Clone Main with Monitor". Your computer view should be on both your monitor and your TV.
    Now click on the "Display Options" under the "Display Manager". Select "Force TV Detect".
    (I don't know if you need this, but for my setting I also selected "Use Manual Detection Only". It is up to you if you want this setting.)

    2. On the Graphics Setting, click on "Avivo Video". Then click on "Theater Mode". You can see the main display and the second display. Where it say "Select Theater Mode Overlay", select "In Theater Mode (Full Screen)". On the bottom where it says to set the video apsect ratio, select "Match the Source Video".

    Now all your videos that you start on any of any your media players (Windows Media Player, VLC, Real Player, Sopcast, PPLive, PPStream, etc.) will be in full screen on your TV. If you have an Aux-in cable, connect it from your sound card to your TV. You can now adjust the volume on your TV. Play around with the settings in the Catalyst Control Center to see which is best for your TV. You can adjust the positioning and size of the video on your TV under "Adjustments" on your "Digital Panal" or "Monitor Properties", depending what output you are using for your TV.

    Now you have a very powerful Media Center for you TV!!! By the way, what kind of TV do you have? I hope it supports HDTV, because it would be a waste for such a powerful video card. My ATI video card is different from yours, so some of the things I mention above in the Catalyst Control Center might be slightly different from what your have. Let me know if you have any problems setting it up.

    If I were you, I would not share the MMS link. I am pretty sure 3TV will catch on and disable it. I tried a few times to log on to 3TV from 2 different computers with the same account, and it wouldn't let me. I guess it knows when you log in with your account.
    I wouldn't share your account either. 3TV might disable it because it is being used from different IP addresses at the same time. Then you have to go through the trouble of buying a new account.

    By the way, how are you able to see the MMS link on the 3TV videos? I have tried many times to see the "properties" of the video, but my right-click is disable everytime the 3TV video comes on.
    #482 hawai, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  3. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    is there a better bitrate version of the tvb channel or a way to scale the channel....cos fullscreen looks awful and normal size is way too small....somewhere between 200% enlargement is good..

    starting to think 37USD dsnt justify this service
  4. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    also is there TVB jade>? i can onli find TVB HD....thers alot of good programs not on TVB HD but on normal tvb JADE
  5. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    ok...i can say this 3tv is a piece of shit....first quality of stream is pretty bad...2nd it lags like shit.....unwatchable pretty much....3rd the different servers available on a channel isnt trying to watch tvb, the Tel server has no pictrue, the US server is tvb news channel instead of tvb Jade, the internatinal channel lag....4th cant rebroadcast this thing around my home network cos cant fine a link to capture...

    pretty much wasted 50AUD to buy this crap..,sorry im very frustrated now
  6. JoeyFan3000

    JoeyFan3000 Active Member

    Me2 >__<
  7. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info and very detailed steps! Well my PC is in my bedroom and the small TV in the bedroom supports 720p, not full HD. I'll definitely consider this option though, it never occurred to me ... DOH! In any case, I intend to build an HTPC once we move to a bigger house, so that should solve this problem.

    Check your PM.

    I used a network packet sniffer (Wireshark). You need to know what to look for though since there are lots of packets being captured.

    @derka-derka + Joey: You guys are partially right. It would be crap if this was a monthly subscription, but it's a one-time payment (unless they ripped me off). Still, the service can be better, so I give you guys that much. For example they could have given us direct links instead of having to use the crappy client software. Before you complain further though, go check the prices that TVB charges on a monthly basis through satellite :) I'm just saying, you get what you paid for.
  8. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    well u are right aswell....but becos i paid mainly to watch tvb, and tvb doesnt realli work so its a bad decision for me...anything else works like tv tokyo, which i can watch naruto every week but thats with no subtitles....
  9. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    @ phantoman
    i tried using wireshark, but all i get is the ip address of the source instead of the mms:/ did u resolve the actualy address link?
  10. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    You need to check the contents of the packets and knowing a bit of the RTSP protocol handshake helps as well.

    Did you check your PM ? I have sent one to you, hawai and JoeyFan3000 yesterday.
  11. JoeyFan3000

    JoeyFan3000 Active Member

    @ phantoman
    "go check the prices that TVB charges on a monthly basis through satellite"
    you mean the europe UK TVB?.. I had that.. but I like more HK TVBN for the CM and the anime in cantonese :)

    Your PM.. I will try tonight.. thnx.. i will let you know..
  12. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    thnx for ur PM...i tried the link and got to the screen where it ask me to login for those security rights...logged in and it fails to play...just stuck on buffering and black screen....i tried rtsp and rtspu....same happens....

    this is for tvb jade and tvb using win7 so its wmp12...does it matter?
  13. ccbig

    ccbig Member

    if you know chinese, you can find some help in this baidu post bar club
  14. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    i kno chinese......but that link gave me is locked...
  15. ccbig

    ccbig Member

    u may need a chinese surrogate. it's 3tv's CUS
  16. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    u mean i got to register??
  17. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    @ phantoman
    im trying to get the direct link for animax but still havent figured out how to get the address instead of the raw ip....

    this is what i got and cant get any further
    240 2.267860 TCP 56788 > rtsp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=69329 Win=16425 Len=0
  18. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't matter, but most of my tests were on Vista with WMP11. I tried once on Win7 with WMP12, but I didn't want to accept the security upgrade, so it only worked once by luck.

    So do the direct links work for you or not ? If they don't, then I don't see much sense in spending time on this. Also I suggest you put these kind of details in a HIDE section, not everybody on the Internet need to know these details.

    The thing with Wireshark is that you need to know what you are looking for. I don't know your level of networking knowledge, but it helps to start capturing packets just seconds before you start the stream. The RTSP URL is visible during the RTSP handshake. I will see if I can send you some screen shots if I ever have the time, otherwise tell me where the Animax channel is and I will capture the link for you when I get home.
  19. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    oh alrite...i was capturing after connecting to stream...ill have a look before connecting...
  20. derka-derka

    derka-derka Active Member

    i figured out how to get the link phantoman....
    thnx for info anyway