Ending Thoughts? Series Thoughts?

Discussion in 'When Lanes Merge - 情越雙白線' started by Jeff, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    It's time for this thread again. :p

    So.. what's do you think of its ending (final episode)? And what do you also think about the series?


    For me.. i thought the final episode was.. iunno. First of all, when Ah Sum+Turbo have their wedding, when Ah Sum threw the 'flower bouquet' thingy.. its so unrealistic how she threw it to Mun Lui. Why? Ah Sum threw it so damn far.. where Mun Lui was all alone. You can see how far it was when Mun Lui starts to run towards Turbo and Ah Sum. Also, i thought that a few people was missing out the wedding. Maybe i just missed it.. but did anyone see Ah Sum's besty Daisy? I didn't. And shoulda expected the taxi gang to be there. But what's really cool.. is when Turbo and the taxi gang chased Ah Sum on the highway. It was cool how they used so many taxi.. on an actual highway. It made me laugh. :)

    And my thoughts for the series is .. i'll give it 9/10. The actors played its role good.. especially Wong Ho Yin (Turbo) and Kent Cheng. I thought whenever they argue.. it was really realistic. The storyline was.. alright. They shouldn't have killed Tony Kwan.. as they should put him into jail!! I thought when they have the Beef Ball King having trouble.. like being a hobo. It took them forever to help him back to start a new life again.. like couple of episodes.


    So whats your thoughts?
  2. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    ROFL the taxi formation was so hilarious i couldn't stop laughing and i freaking burst into tears of laughter when mun lui caught the flower ROFLROFLLOLOLOLOL OMG like what the heck man! there's so many people right behind kate and the flower went all the way to freaken miles away ahahhahahahhaha
  3. silentjess

    silentjess Well-Known Member

    well, this must be the only 'family' drama with the most car accidents. Sonija, Raymond, Ken, all got hurt in accidents.
    everyone is in hospital at one point or another!
  4. creazn

    creazn Well-Known Member

    i got fooled when Turbo's dad was dreaming about the weddingscene....
    i thought what the F :p

    also i want to know what happened with turbo's friend Ah tong.
    he confessed he killed tony, but is he going to prison or what??
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Taxi formation squad was epic! Ending could have been better though.
  6. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    this is series overall is good, 7/10. Everyone did good in this series maybe except for KAte. I personally dont think she can act..... Her bitchy attitude probably just mirrors her real life......But anyways, would've been better if sonija marries raymond. It's just because i dunt like kate's character at all. No sympathy with her character whatsoever. But dam, the ending left me a deep impression on Sonija's character. She's gonna deal with this pain probably for a long time or forever...........sucks......
  7. simplytimes

    simplytimes Member

    i think it was ridiculous how the story ended with turbo and kate believing that Men Lu was a conniving person as she tricked them that she got her memory back when she didnt. so now men lu is left with no one, has to live with the pain that turbo is with her close friend, and that they perceive her as a conniving person.
  8. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    how the hell did andy find out about raymond's wedding and about sonija being there?!

    i also don't like how the series ended without it being revealed that sonija still has her case of amnesia. but other than that, i really enjoyed this series. i enjoyed the characters, the acting, the story, and the theme song very much. this should have been a 30 episode series!

    overall, an 8.5/10 for me!
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    My appraisal:

    Turbo; good acting, best that I've seen this guy do. I've seen him in many other things before and he didn't really make as much of an impression.

    Kate Tsui; She's got body that won't quit, and her acting is actually not that bad. She's pretty in a tough sort of way, and I think the law enforcement roles play well for her. She may have also played the grease monkey tom boyish role well too. But I couldn't imagine her playing the insurance or loan executive.

    Sonija Kwok; easy on the eyes, with girl next door type persona that any man would want. Plus, she can act. Insofar as serials, I haven't seen her do anything really bad yet. A veteran TV actress.

    Kent; This Buddha is solid gold. From his physique to his stutter, to his rapid fire put downs and come backs, this guy is an ace character actor that is worth every penny TVB is paying him, and probably then some. The role in this series fit like a glove.

    Mun Liu's little sister; a new TVB starlet, but one that has potential. She's cute, though certainly not spectacular in looks. But for a newcomer, she's not a bad actress at all. Her scenes where she confronts the hoodlum underboss and his extra girl friends are both convincing and realistic. You really believe that she's a pissed off GF that found out her BF was cheating.

    The hoodlum underboss (turbo's "friend"); what can I say, the perpetual TVB bad guy. This guy always shines in his portrayal of sleaze or slime. If you looked up the word scumbag in a Chinese dictionary, you'll see his picture. Kudos to him for playing bad guys so convincingly. He does it so effortlessly that I bet most HK'ers, if they saw him on a street, would cross to the other side just to avoid him.

    The bad guy Boss, Tony; not as well known as the guy that played his flunky, but well on the way to being type cast as another TVB dirt bag.

    Lady Grandma; TVB veteran grandma, but that hair cut is too HK Girly for her. She should try to at least look her age.

    Lady Grandma's maid with the bald spot; a walking poster child for bad hair.

    Kate Tsui's patrol partner that was hitting on her; poor casting. This guy looked more like a bad guy than a good guy.

    Sonija Kwok's ex; I still think of him as Pierre, from the DIE series. Why? Because Pierre is a fruity name, and this guy's got fruit written all over him.

    Handicapped former cop; Wow. She a hottie. Looking forward to seeing her again in anything.

    Overall, the show was not bad but had a lot of misses. First, as mentioned by others, everyone wound up in the hospital and they were all unconscious. You think maybe they could have diabetes or hypertension? No. Concussions was the clinical malady of this series, and everyone needed one according to the writers.

    What is it with TVB and borrowing money from loan sharks? It seems that in every series, there is always someone that borrows some ridiculously large amount of money from a loan shark. I mean, some of the sums mentioned would be enough to make Lehman Bros solvent again. I would love to see at least one TVB series where loan sharks don't get air time.

    Bad guy boss gets shot and dies in very blase fashion. They needed to give the audience satisfaction and failed to do so. The way that he died was, bang, he's dead; so what? For a bad guy that had been getting away with bad shit for nearly three quarters of the series, you need to show his comeuppance in a long slow process. He needed to pay and do so slowly, with a look of horror on his face as you know that he knows he's going down for good. But TVB blew it. The way he was dealt with in the script, they could have just as easily said that he was in the PI and got killed in some off screen traffic accident. Next time, after getting us to hate a character, please give us the satisfaction of seeing him die... slowly, and suffering every step of the way... Gosh, this is really movie making 101, folks.

    Oh, and sign up Kate Tsui as the next quarterback on any superbowl team. That was sure some throw, and backhanded too? LOL... :bowdown:

    08/10 total.
    #9 ralphrepo, Jul 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  10. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    i think this series was not too bad. i like the taxi formation part too, it's so hilarious. and i also like the part where Kent Cheng laughed by himself about his dream of Turbo marrying Mun Looi and not Sum Looi.

    when Mun Looi got the flowers Sum Looi throw, that part was bit ridiculous. she was standing at the other end, how could she got the flowers.

    i quite like the ending though where Mun Looi didn't regain her memory and Turbo/Sum Looi aren't aware of that.
  11. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    @ralph : Dang. What a reply! LOL. I agree to most of your points though. Sonijia ex was Andy.. but i still call him Pierre too :D. & the former cop.. i think she was Miss HK or something like that.
  12. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    ya i still call him pierre in my head too probs because his accent sounds frenchy
  13. HelloKittylam

    HelloKittylam Member

    Great and awesome drama , can't expect anymore
    the taxi group chasing ah sum , and ah sum's taxi driver is funny , drving slowly and fast
    also kent having that dream and is laugh , amazing !!!
    loved turbo the whole way through he can play evil and good.
    i loved raymond in mysteries of love , him evil , great acting , i find that raymond wong has the potential to be given lead roles , lets hope tvb notices =]
  14. lolsusanaaaaa

    lolsusanaaaaa Member

    i was really happy when i saw turbo and sonija get married in kent's dream. and when it was him and kate... i was like -_-
  15. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Not quite, she was real EVIL in 'Perish in the name of love'. According to the drama fictionally, she was one of the reason y ming dynasty fell.If that's not bad enough, she killed her own mother. It's pretty hard to forget such scenes from a good drama from the past.
  16. even though kate looked better with ray but poor sonja!! overall the series was good i really enjoyed watching it Kent and Ray did very well in this series.
  17. whitenight

    whitenight Well-Known Member

    The ending episode was alright for me. But wow Kate, what a throw! It reminded me of the scene at the end of Jerry Maguire with the little kid. I was one of those viewers cheering for Sonija and felt a little disappointed at the poor attempt at a last minute triangle drama with her memory loss. I thought the storyline with the beef ball king took way too long to wrap up. Overall probably an 8/10
  18. pingkchang

    pingkchang New Member

    LOL the ending was so surprising =P
  19. Hoang_X

    Hoang_X Well-Known Member

    i hv to say, its funny how kate tsui threw the flower at the wedding, and somehow it ended up in sonja hand, then... the it shows that they were sooooo far apart... hahhaha kate most have a killer arm... LOL
  20. Hunter_zaz

    Hunter_zaz Member

    So stupid, last episode was totally un-needed. TVB drama endings are getting worse and worse.