StarCraft II: Wings of Libery - Hell, it's about time!!

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Tony, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. ^ they have cheats for it already o-o
  2. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    You're so retarded it hurts.

    No, I won't click on your shitty forum advertisement.
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Dust and dusted.
  4. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    this game needs a stalemate button! lol
    i have a command centre in the air and they have an army on the ground so i cant land.. -.-"
  5. Rain

    Rain Well-Known Member

    Why would they need a stalemate. Its not even a tie. -_- They can easily get air attacking units and own you
  6. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    oh i may have forgotten to mention that i destroyed all their probes nexus and pylons. lol
  7. don't tell me they don't even have 50 minerals...... just 50.....

    your CC is filled with SCVs i assume, and even if you landed, you'd get owned, so you lose lol

  8. sometimes..... you catch them right after they built something..... and have nothing.... LOL... but the thing about winning is not how many units you have.... it's about whether or not you can take out the enemies base... kinda like the vietnam war......

    america lost cause their goal was to wipe out the vietnamese.... well guess what.... they are still here.
  9. yea i know. anyways, it should not have gotten up to that point... if the friend had played his game properly, whether he was P, Z or T, he should have multiple expansions, and so many workers working their asses off that it would be impossible to kill all of them.... unless he was completely blind and does not see his workers getting raped one by one

    the only scenario i can think of (in serious sc matches that is) that would lead to that scenario, is if both early rushed... no way in hell would a good player let their workers get raped to the point that none remain...

    i should upgrade from sc and buy sc2 already................
  10. Xib

    Xib Well-Known Member

    I am hooked to vikings and banshees.

    Having troubles against early zerglings tough.
  11. MrCooperS

    MrCooperS Well-Known Member

  12. :ugh2:

    i fail at starcraft.
  13. some people do wall + scv repair, and rines + bats...

    others do early bunker + scv repair, and rines + bats....

    but as soon as those early lings are done, rush the fuck out of the zerg.... they probably did a 9pool (don't know if that still works in sc2), and they'll be at a HUGEEEE disadvantage............
  14. MrCooperS

    MrCooperS Well-Known Member

    There are no bats in this game. They're replaced by Marauders. 2 to 4 zerglings can be produced and moved to the enemies base by the time the enemy has 1 marine. The trick is to set up a tight wall with a barrack and 2 supply depots (maybe 1 depending on map). The supply depots can be lowered and raised. This will stop the early rush. But against zerg players, they often go zergling with adrenaline upgrade and banelings after. The banelings will take down your supply depot/barrack wall instantly and the zergling will run in and destroy your economy. Be ready with multiple barracks and a large army. Against zerg players, a M&M&M strategy is effective. Or you can defend the early zergling rush and go dual banshee and harass their economy until you have cloak. Then you can just finish them off.
    #34 MrCooperS, Aug 14, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  15. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    there's a secret document tat u guys hv to take during Media Blitz mission. It wil unlock a secret mission for u guys.
    can someone tell me wat's the cheat code for SC 2?

    Attached Files:

    #35 dom88_rx7, Aug 16, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  16. ^ do you really need cheat codes now...
  17. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    basically no. everytime i only take up abt 30 min o less to finish 1 mission without cheat. last time when i play SC 1,it could take up to 1 hr o more each mission. just ask cheat codes for future use. i could feel tat every time i play SC 2, my laptop's CPU wil be extremely hot
    #37 dom88_rx7, Aug 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  18. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i think it's retarded that the custom games doesnt give all the units and specialties...... Booooo......
  19. hoju

    hoju Member

    so tempting... but will have to wait.

    i'm doing my best to hold out on getting this.... coworker has it already... says tons of good things about it...

    so far arguments for it are: it has awesome gameplay

    arguments against it are: no LAN support, expensive (1 campaign per race and each will be an expansion game), will suck away hours and hours of my sleep every night

    if they every allow LAN support, perhaps I'll hop on the bandwagon.. would prefer to be able to play with buddies without worrying about lag on bnet.

    for now, i'm hoping I can hold out long enough for the battle chest to come out with all expansions at a more reasonable price. =)
  20. itemo

    itemo Member

    this game is so addictive hahahas