ok so I tried to torrent "Growing Through Life" EPS 1-9 and when it finishes I don't see it in my downloads folder. also some other torrents I would get and it goes from 0% - 99.8% in about 3 seconds then when its 100% its not showing up in my downloads folder. I don't like direct download because i can only get 4 at a time. Someone Please help me Thanks
Did you put it in another folder or another area? You should check where you put them in, don't just assume it's in that folder, you might had accidentally put it somewhere else.
try right click on the file u dled on utorrent and click open containing folder -or- C Drive -> Users -> "Username" -> Downloads
i tried that open containing folder and it says cannot be found and that C Drive to user to username to downloads is my Downloads folder
OK so I found the Torrents but, they were in a random folder..... usually when i download the torrents they show up in my downloads IDK why it changed this time because i don't touch the settings. the torrents were in C-Drive -> User > "Username -> AppData -> Roaming -> Utorrent -> Growing Through Life Folder when i go to my computer then click c-drive -> user -> username i don't see the folder AppData all I see is the contacts desktop documents downloads music video pictures etc. When i open containing folder then i can see the AppData and Roaming Folders. Why is this? how do i change the torrent thing back to the download folders?
Open up uTorrent then go to Options -> Preferences. From there go to the directories tab and check the box "Put New Downloads In:" and browse for the folder u want to save it in. Hope that helps.
Assuming you are using Windows 7, to see hidden folders. Press Organize at the top left corner in any folder. Then folder & search options. Then click on view, and make sure you check "Show Hidden Files, Folders, and drives. I'm not sure if I understood your problem or not.. but i'm assuming this would help