So i've decided to get a macbook pro soon as the 9 to 10 hour battery life is very appealing to me as a student, but my last laptop im currently using now hasn't got the best battery life. when i got it it had about 2.5hours and now im lucky to get 30 minutes.(which is possibly my fault as i kept it plugged in all the time. ) Are there any tips to help improve the life span of the battery? like how long do i charge it for? do i take out the charger when its fully charged? when do i put it in to charge again? 10%? and how long should i expect the battery to keep a 9-10hr charge? Possibly just obvious things i never knew about. Thanks.
there you go! when you decide to get power from the wall socket, remove the battery, because now the electricity gets to the battery and to your laptop, the battery become the bridge for it and basically charging & using it at the same time unnecessarily...many people not sales will tell you this because they either don't know, or they don't care...and you can rarely buy a replacement battery from the store u bought the laptop and they can be pricey... when they say the laptop last that many hours is ONLY when you have it turned on and you are NOT using it, when i got my asus netbook, it says 8 hrs...and when i tested it, i had it turned on, all wireless features (Bluetooth, WiFi) turned off and it lasted about 7.5 hours, once using it for web surfing and watching videos/movies it dropped done to 6-7 hours max as each battery has a recharge life cycle...i have always use up before charging and never charge it if is not depleted...and once time i was out and i forgot i was charging it until i got home, it must have charged for another 6-8 hours AFTER it got fully charged, right after that day, battery shows only 5 hrs on a single full charge now and not 100% charge the battery until the green light on the laptop (assuming u have similar feature like other laptops); take out the battery if you are going to use wall socket for power; turn off unnecessary features when you don't need to use it (ie, bluethooth, wifi; yes these are good always on features, but they drain battery) everything has its life, no point to have them running (ie, while you sleep and you are doing nothing on it); some have mentioned that is bad to turn on/off PC often which is bad to it...that is because the surge of power turning ON and OFF to the power supplies and the hardware internally...but think about it, you are constantly drawing power, meaning u are paying for something u are not using, and not GREEN to your wallet or environment; a consumer level hard drive could probably run 300K hours (at ideal conditions) and u are letting it run while it sleep, it might just dye faster due to constantly running and heat issues
thanks for the tips. i want be able to take out the battery because i want o get a mac, but i'll turn it off nightly and drain it to about 10-20% before i charge it again. thanks.
i don't understand your point? u want to get a mac and want to take out the battery? all notebook and netbooks allow u to remove battery
i want a mac because of the long battery life. 9-10hours. but i was under the impression u cant take the batteries out of mac's? so i was hoping for other ways to help preserve the life of the battery like removing from the charger when it's fully charged. and just general tips like what temperature should i store it in.. does it matter what temperature? should i shutdown when i dont use it or is it suitable to just put it to sleep etc. because i've been hearing stories some people able to maintain a decent amount of charge.. eg 70-80% of original charge after a year or 2 while some people have been getting 50% of less after 1 use. personally i made a mistake with my laptop and kept it charging 24/7 so i think that may have depleted the battery. so im just hoping to not do it with my next one.
yes better life should be considered for more, but many people don't know or don't care...anyway...for temp. i don't think that does matter as long as you are not in extreme conditions (extremely cold or hot) and for the usage...when you get your laptop, is best to have it charger overnight (without using it) and then once is fully charged, have it unplug and use the battery until low and then personal usage for laptops is either OFF or ON, no sleep mode, i don't really trust that option
At first I took out my battery out of my laptop to save battery and just use the AC adapter, but my dad was like screaming at me saying that it's too dangerous. LOL Try not to charge the battery and plug it. When your battery is full, you don't need to keep charging it. Only charge the battery when it's almost out. When you're away from the keyboard, you can put your laptop to sleep. It can also cool your laptop down. Dim the screen just a bit. Also if you have a USB stick, CD or any external device plug to your laptop, it will use up some of your battery. =)
i wonder why...LOL...who would stick a finger into the contacts of the battery compartment? is hard to get to in the first place...