XBOX Live Price Increase.

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Aug 30, 2010.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    i lol !! xD ...... sucks to be an xbox user ..... lol 10$ increase for fuck all reason ... while psn has them all for free .. cept espn ... lol
  2. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    PSN network service is pretty crappy since it's free. But Sony are suckers cuz Microsoft is making money off their XBL subs so they rolled out the PSN Plus.

    XBL is getting some improvements so it's not too bad at all.
  3. playing online should not be an option you need to buy but given to you with this generation's technology.
  4. lmao.. damn mS really knows how to suck money out of the consumers..


    $65 for a better controller.. xD
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    yeah, you got it. It's PSN, but it's also slower and not as refined.

    I play fighting games on both PSN and XBL, but most of my game time on XBL is tenfolds higher than PSN. Few bucks a year isn't much really.
  6. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    yeah but then you look at steam ..... steams free yet its better then xbl and psn :/ sooooooo ... it really does show how much of an ass m$ is
  7. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Steam doesn't offer MP for all the games. Games like BC2 and MW2 are on their own independent match making stuff. Steam just offers text and voice chat, plus they are primarily a digital distribution service... Actually majority of the games on Steam not developed by Valve have their own stuff.

    XBL actually has added a ton of new shit since it's debut. $10 is not much for an increase after like what.. 8-9 years of content additions?
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Could you not go to the shop and buy a dozen of gold membership before the price increase?
  9. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    You can probably buy a bunch of $30-$35 cards right now online.

    But if you were to subscribe online through credit card and stuff, it'll be $60 in NOVEMBER.
  10. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    sorry just going back to your point .. so what do you say to people who doesnt give a shit about all the facebook twitter ... espn .. netflix ... hulu .. all that shit .. and just wanna play multiplayer? why isnt it a choice for THEM to having not paying so much for something that costs you any way ... and the shear ammount of adverts on xbl youd think they have soo much money already .. i mean i dont have an xbox but when i go mates an tehre like .. yeah lets play a game ... near enough most blocks are adverts .... ... so does this mean no more adverts? if they pay 10$ extra ? ..... but honestly i dont think its about the money .. its just the fact that there are people out tehre just to use multiplayer and nothing else .... yet they HAVE to play more then what it is .. its mainly about the principles.
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Well, for those who REALLY wanna play, they wouldn't mind paying the price.
  12. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    The service didn't even have Facebook, ESPN, Netflix, Hulu, etc, etc 8 years ago and they were still just paying $50 for just multiplayer BEFORE Playstation 3 came out.

    Nothing is different now. When you have a stable job and money and probably play 5 hours a week with a regular job, an extra $10 isn't much.

    People spend more money playing World of Warcraft than they do Xbox.

    I'm sure there's more people with an active subscription to World of Warcraft ($13-15/month subscriptions) than people having Xbox Live Gold ($30-$50 a year online/discounted cards)
  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ buts thats a completely different story .... tehres difference between an mmo with subscription fee and a service with subscription fee .... as like WOW is constantly getting content and have you seen the mass amount of content it already has on WOW?? compared with xbl its complete bullshit ......

    so what if you dont have a steady job and your a 14 year old boy and your mother is refusing to pay the amount ? because you do have to keep in mind every other audiences .. and not just one audience
  14. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Then you just won't have it.

    For the kids, it's always the parents buying for them of course. Bulk of their sales targeting young kids and teens are the single player / console market.

    Multiplayer? Yeah, some of that too. Nobody cares, it's only fifty bucks a year at most. That's my point.

    A lot of the current XBL stuff was added over time too, just like other content updates.

    I have played WoW for 5 years. There's only been a few MAJOR patches, everything else is pretty small and bug fixes which aren't really what you're paying for. Think about it. You actually already paying mostly for stuff they promised as well, they didn't really add a lot of stuff that was entirely new. It's like one or two raid dungeons here and there like Sunwell Plateau and the current Ruby Sanctum.

    Game discs $50+40+40=$130
    Subscriptions $180*5=$900

    Xbox Game $40-60
    Subscriptions $50*5
    Total $310

    It's a lot cheaper to play on console right now. I mean if you get a multiplayer game like shooters, that's cool too. But you have to think, a lot of people that play games online are also pretty social. Xbox comes with a headset and Ps3 doesn't, I know a lot of people don't use it on Ps3 but they do on Xbl. There's also a huge market for those social gamers as well.
  15. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ im pretty sure that the multiplayer is mainly targeted at the teens and not its single player when im at friends all i hear are kids either cursing or sulking .... :/

    WOW is huge yes tehre were only few major patches but it will forever and always be expanding and im seeing the reason for the major cost is because of its mass amount of content plus the major target audience for wow are people with income whereas xbl is for the lower age range

    well i guess yeah there are people that dont care but i would think that there are a huge majority that would be like 'WHAT you being SERIOUS? FUUUUUUUU'
  16. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    95% of the people i'm playing online on XBL are of at least college age, mosly averaging in the 20-30 range.

    Yeah, shit like Halo Reach and Gears of War 4 are gonna be like mad kids and other shit, but someones definitely paying for ALL those subscriptions too right?

    There's also the exclusive shit on Xbox that makes it appealing and it's good enough for people to oversee the small pricetag to play online.

    Look, if you want to play something that's available on both system, yeah go for the cheaper one if you have no extra dough to fork out for a yearly subscription. But you can't really say it's "wrong" to do so, they're not monopolizing online gaming. There's options out there. Just that if you really like the Halo franchise or 98% of your friends are on XBL, then go pay up. If not then just leave it be.


    $35 subscription shipped for a $50 subscription. Word.
  17. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    im not saying its wrong .. im just saying its a joke ......... well meehh whatever then i dont even have a 360 sooo ........
  18. nightang3l

    nightang3l Well-Known Member

    lol it'll be funny if ur playing a game and the button turns by accident and u happen to need the d pad lol.