
Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by The_Jelly, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I've never done it personally, so I used my MB presets to OC. So, after OC my i7 870 to 3.8 Ghz I tried some video encoding with Avidemux. The FPS went up from 54-62 for the first pass and remained the same for the second pass. Is it Avidemux? Or is it me? I was expecting a bigger boost in FPS and encoding time. I only shaved off 1-2 mins max. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?

    Second issue I guess. My computer was booting in about 45 sec, but after a few weeks it slowed to 1.5 mins...I already defragged and used CCleaner. However, the boot time was 45 sec when it was overclocked...

    Thanks in advance for any helpful input :D
  2. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    What's your hard drive setup like? Do you use one drive for everything?
  3. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Yeah, I'm using a 1 tb Caviar Blue. Its still 7200 rpm though.
  4. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, boot times will suffer if your boot drive is full of stuff. People tend to run a smaller drive as their boot drive or partition their large drives with a smaller boot partition because of this.
  5. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I should start partitioning then...
  6. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    no partitioning is still using the same drive...and it won't increase the startup time by that much because on the 2nd partition, u are still accessing for other stuff
    get a single drive just for windows...
    OC is not just about the multiplier, u will need OC'able RAM as well and some good cooling fans and change in voltages (those are rules as i have never done OC'n before) because that voids the warranty of the CPUs...
    if you have windows 7, u never need to defrag your drive manually...
  7. wtfjc

    wtfjc Well-Known Member

    Maybe your bottleneck isn't your cpu? So like even if you get to overclock your cpu to 4,0ghz+ it still wont get much faster. Upgrading your HDD to a SSD might do the trick.