i have a6614f hp amd phenom x4 and i want to change a computer case to a bigger one! it shouldn't be a problem transferring over to a new one would it?
yes you can however you will most likely lose the warranty if it hasn't expired, or you don't mind losing it
i can add on the fans later on ... but the question is will i be able to remove the i/o backing plate with out a problem??
you can transfer everything from the old case to the new without a problem. you just need to figure out how to plug the power button... might be different for each case
i didin't know that do they use the same kind of a plug for a power button?.... i got the right case for it alrdy but since u say the power button is different i guess i have to do some research
no you can use any case you want, the thing is, you have to know how to connect the cables of the power and reset buttons to the motherboard.
I would suggest you get someone who knows what they're doing, to help you, rather than doing it yourself.
i rather do it my self... learn is the best way.... but it's not reallie that hard to plug the power wire or the reset ! is it?
ok i understand what your talkin about ty! makes sense about those now ty you so much Dan that was great i didn't notice those!
just google the motherboard model's manual, it isn't hard as most OEM computer sellers uses well know motherboards anyway...u may as well change to a faster computer then, is 2 yrs old, parts will start falling apart, and slow already...if u are planning to move the parts to new case, may as well ya know?
Take your time doing this and don't force anything in. The good thing is, things only go in 1 way. And you really can't screw anything up with the switches(unless you bend the pins). They either work or not, it's not gonna blow up.
He said bend the penis though lol. Take your time, don't rush otherwise when you mess up then your pretty fak.