COD: Black Ops?

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Rain, May 1, 2010.


Which system?!

Poll closed Nov 29, 2010.
  1. Xbox 360

    3 vote(s)
  2. PS3

    16 vote(s)
  3. PC

    8 vote(s)
  1. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    yeah if you mixed the emblems creatively together.
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Takes a lot of points to buy though. Those emblems.
  3. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Just farm 24/7 nuketowns.

    I don't know if console version can find servers.

    But on PC, you can browser for any server you want or just do random matches that auto-match make for you.

    If console doesn't have it... another perk for having PC version.
  4. emblems are pretty cheap. only 100 points for them. we need to play one round together.

    or start a PA Clan :shifty:
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    haha, that sound like fun!
  6. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we need more PC users! I wouldn't mind picking up a console version later when they put it on sale either. I just won't be active on it unless I know people are going to be on it.

    The emblems not expensive, it's the extra layers. lol
  7. is the PC version worth getting? damn the reviews on amazon is bad... almost as bad as MW2 but then this got dedicated servers..
  8. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    If your computer isn't ass it'll be fine. There was only a day 1 technical problem with the game.

    And the fact that for Steam users, Activision postponed the midnight release and made Steam buyers wait an extra few hours to play.
  9. alright damn.. I got my PC right now.. wondering if I should go in..
  10. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    aint this game got boring yet?
  11. ^how can u be bored of black ops lol! i just finished playing a few matches online (domination) and zombiessssssssssss
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    no one can get bored of zombies but when the glitch kicks in, it gets boring. YES there is GLITCH!
  13. damn fahr. you playing ps3 or pc?
  14. @kevin - what glitch?

    @Ecko - PS3 =D
  15. damn this shits pretty legit.. feels like playing css for the first time..
  16. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    The glitch allows you to keep distance from the zombies. My friend said something about the glitch in the stage "Five", you jump onto the table or something.

    There's only certain glitches on certain stage. Some glitch can only be done on Solo mode. Happy glitching lol. Don't ask how to do it, Youtube them xD
  17. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Depend on how you look at it. If you are a casual gamer and don't care too much and just wanna shoot some stuff here and there then it might.

    If you like competition, this game wont' get boring for a while if you play to win or get better.

    There's still plenty of replay value in it for me. Getting used to more maps, good spots to shoot and hide, getting all the guns, etc etc.
  18. Black Ops Myth Buster! Fukin Epic!

  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]


    lol 22
  20. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Haha the myth buster thing was pretty awesome