Android Apps Recommendations!

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Dan, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. So since Kontra managed to get Froyo (Android 2.2) to run on his HD2, and that there's an iphone/ipod app thread, it wouldn't make sense if there wasn't an Android one!!!

    Some apps I recommend:

    Launcher Pro
    Widget Locker
    Winamp player
    Any lockscreen widgets (it's going to save your power button wear down)
    V Player (still in alpha release, but runs flv, mkv rmvb and all the stuff)
    If not V Player than RockPlayer (a divX player)
    I prefer ChompSMS over other SMS alternatives....
    CONNECTBOT for those who like to use command line and ssh
    Desktop Visualizer is pretty cool for front customizations
    Widgetsoid if you are sick of how the power control bar widget looks like.
    Beats (DDR game... fun lol)

    More apps to be added, and screenshots of widgets to come later when i stop being lazy =P
  2. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    An easy way to change the desktop wallpaper, ringtone, and notification tones would be awesome.
  3. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Paper Toss
    Fishin' 2 Go
    Angry Birds
    Fruit Ninja

    Yeah, they're all games. Problem? :trollface:
  4. lol those are same games for ios..
  5. kontra.. get poweramp nao!
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    How about the fake falldown called drop down or something. Fall down (linedown?) is an itouch/phone ap.
  7. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    I'm on it!
  8. trust.. this shit is insane... fuck winamp, i'd buy this app....

    you got equalizers, a fucking MOTION VOLUME CONTROL!!!!! and some cool swipe motion stuff.

    i've been looking for a widget that controls the volume like a slide bar thing, but i haven't found a single one.. this is the best one that's been developed, but it's stuck in its on app (no volume control widget) i dont want to wear down my side volume buttons...

    other than that dude, i thought you might enjoy this app
  9. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member


    I gotta load up some music files onto the phone and test it out tomorrow.
  10. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    So I was playing around with the home screen wallpaper and I had an "ah-ha!" moment. Seems like the wallpaper Android uses is not the same size as the native resolution on your screen. Looks like it's a bit shorter and wider. I don't know the exact size the wallpaper should be but I'm gonna do some snooping around.
  11. skong125

    skong125 Well-Known Member

    Great android games: Armored Strike... its a tank version of Worms :) and the Moron Test xD
    A good alternative browser i find is Opera Mobile... its pretty fast even on 3G
    Also Advanced Task Killer or any other Task Killer alternatives are always good :D
  12. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Awesome! I gotta check out Armored Strike. The Moron Test is hilarious when you play with a group of friends.

    I read that Advanced Task Killer doesn't work too well on Froyo.
  13. skong125

    skong125 Well-Known Member

    Also... dunno if its just my Xperia X10, but for those who cnt send things from their memory card to other bluetooth users, a good app to use is Bluetooth File Transfer, u can send things in bulk, including apk files for app sharing :)
    If you want a better clock or weather theme, Beautiful Widgets is a good app to use with quite a lot of themes to download and choose from...
    Just wanna ask, if ur on LauncherPro, how do u add homepages? Im atm stuck with 3... my default home launcher had 5 :S
  14. It doesn't, which is why I uninstalled my task killer.

    To those interested:

    When running LauncherPro, just go into preference, and under "Homescreen settings" and "number of screens"

    There's a possibility you may need LauncherPro Plus...
  15. skong125

    skong125 Well-Known Member

    Well if thats the case, a good app would be Uninstaller Pro to get rid of the Task Killer :p

    also thanks, managed to find the settings for it :D

    also wanna add, a good game I found was Solipskier... u can try the computer version on Kongregate, its the same but for android... its pretty much a "see how long u can last" skiing game where u draw the ski path on the touchscreen and try to accumalate points... its a good time killer :)

    Also, wanna point out a nice livewallpaper im using atm... "Quads" it is an imitation of the PS3 wallpaper... its quite nice :)
  16. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    I need an app that will open word and powerpoint..
    most importantly all the powerpoints, Thinkfree Office don't seem to work?
    any recommendations?

    also will i need to delete Thinkfree office app before i install the new one?
  17. skong125

    skong125 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I'm allowed to link you to the website with the app, but QuickOffice Connect Suite is supposedly meant to allow you to view and edit MS Office files.

    You probably wouldnt need to delete thinkfree but if it isnt accomplishing its tasks then why keep it...

  18. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

  19. hahaha yea kon do it up, shove gingerbread in it!