It's that time of the fucking year again. Grab a cold one. Kick back. Let's get this shit started. -to bbear going all MIA on us. -to the ever so popular 2010 secret santa thread -to the N numbers game -to rth and his ever ending purchases -to the new crew. -to flame tagging every mutha fucking new fem profile -to the revival of the epic msn convo -to the ever 5 years in the making Canada Thread -to that white guy dan and his hockey fascination -to the name changes complex -to the 2010 stalker system update -to those who have access to the DL section. To those that don't -to the ever predominant queries-How do i access downloads? -to tisken always so happy in his pictures. you make a mother proud -to fucking ulti8 peculiar pics -to that cold heineken sitting beside me -to the crew for keeping this place going another 5 -to our vips -to our members. Keep that shit flowing. WE the crazy of crazies. K-pop to fucking pho -to the nsfw avys -to the walking encyclopedia-ralph -to java and woody. thank the man dan son. Keep it going and add your 2010 moments. Knoc
Just joined 5 days me joining! Yay I'm special and instantly hopping into the number game. Wee~
ahh so it begins.. The resurrection of PA Book of Faith brought forth years later from the gate keeper. Conjured by the high elders forever engraved in PA history. The secrets revealed upon the past... Tis the dawning of a new age.. prosperous lands have once again erupted from what was desecrated through the war torn valleys of PA... Legends fortold of the chosen one born on the 5th year of PA history who will restore the glory of the suns.. out of the lunar eclipse comes hope for new blood..
knocster so early this year...?...quick get him...hes tryna do a runner...!!...pwhahha..jk good job...and thx for the honorary mention....^^ Q. who's java..?...dun think ive seen him/her about yet...-huh hmm whut id like to add is... the 'blaow' shall become bb's if ya looky for me check there...hehehe.... and id just like to say....sowie for not being about muchy this past year... so hello to all the oldies and the noobies... merry christmas
Personally.. for me, 2010 was when i started using PA as a forum, not just for download section drama-uploader. So, i met many new people and could say, made new "friends"? Oh, & also became a radio-hoster
to the awesome admins/mods who keep this forum running...errrr smoothly (maybe fill in the blank would be better here)? -oddly, crazily, hilariously could also fit in the blank-
-To the fem threads that make 4 pages. Post a picture. Have asian eyes. Have attention 4 pages and counting.